Red Dragon People.

I’ve had a few disturbed nights lately, disturbed because my guides whom I call Upstairs, have been coming in while I slept to give me information. When this happens, I know, that if I do not write it down it will disappear. So, the act of taking my phone and writing a note wakes me up good and proper. Thankfully, the information is never boring. And this particular information was particularly interesting. It was about the red dragons, those people who are born with dragon energy, or at least the seed of red dragon energy, designed to be awoken at some later point in their lives.

This is what I heard:

“Red Dragons are like punks – but punks with a purpose”.

I was a teenager in the seventies, but never a punk. It was too aggressive for me. I preferred the hippy movement, all love and peace, probably because I didn’t have much of either of those two things. But I had friends who were punks. Rebel girls, anti-establishment girls, who wanted to be free to be themselves. They did what all punks did, they pierced their bodies, did their hair in wild mohawk hairstyles, wore black, ripped clothing held together by safety pins, and dog collar chokers around their necks. They were breaking away from the stereotype of what it meant to be female in Seventies’ Ireland.

It was a highly creative time, a breaking out and bursting forth of powerful energy, of new musical styles and new ways of thinking. The punks were expressing their anger, breaking the ties that bound them to old ways of doing things, old rules that no longer made any sense. They were chaos fighting the ‘natural order’.

The Red Dragons are the punks of old, but their breaking down of old ideas, and old ways of doing things, has a higher purpose, a Soul Purpose.

In 2016, whilst still living in Luxor, I received some channelling which was a complete surprise to me, and I will admit, set up some resistance in me. It was about the Dragon Children. There were so many books about the crystal children, the indigos, etc., that I really didn’t want to add to the mix ( a constant resistance on my part!). I had also gone from believing in these ‘new children’, to not believing in them, until one of my granddaughters was born and I was told she was a crystal child. I groaned because I really didn’t want to believe it! Upstairs knew I didn’t believe it and now I was being presented with the proof. I’m sure they thought it was very funny. I didn’t!

So when I received the information about the Dragon children, I groaned even louder and put the writing away until I could see how it worked out for myself. Here is what they said:

21 October 2016. Dragon Children.

This life you live, this narrative you write, is about to change for the better. No more will the forces of creation be held in the hands of the few. Now it is time for the Dragons of old to awaken, and to play their part in the awakening of mankind. This time has been awaited for many years.

The attributes of the dragon are thus: kindness, consideration, the ability to think within the group mind and to effect the Whole. They learn fast, think on their feet and have a great sense of the injustice around them. They are strong, resilient, and have a deep and abiding desire to change their environment for the better.

These children are born knowing the mountains they must climb, and so are born strong, unlike other children around them who may be more acquiescent. The Dragon children are the creators of new modes of thinking and being, in the world. They play a very positive role in assisting their less capable brothers and sisters to manage the challenges of change which they are helping to instigate.

As a Dragon child, you fulfilled this role, protecting the weak and the vulnerable, even when your own traumas meant that your sense of self-care was damaged. This is often the way for the Dragon children.

Here in Africa, an influx of such children is necessary as change comes on a global scale, and all are offered assistance.

As a teenager, you witnessed what could happen when dysfunctional adults stalled the growth of the Dragons, through their own fear of change. And so you will see it again, all around you. But do not interfere, just add your ‘adult’ Dragon energy to theirs and their own ‘scales’ will then protect them. They will know intuitively that you are kin, even though they do not understand it intellectually. But that is of no matter, it is the inner light which needs to grow as they make their own way in this world.

I find some of this very interesting (It did take a while!).

Because dragon energy is creation-energy the more dragons there are in the world the more change can happen. I imagine each dragon has his/her own gifts of change to bring to the world, but I find it interesting that they are also therefore in a position to help the people affected by the changes. But are they doing this energetically, like I did, by anchoring layers of energy to affected places? These energies create change but also protect those living around them.

The part about Africa made sense too, even though, if you tell an Egyptian they live in Africa, they will deny it vehemently. Yet, Egypt is on the African Continent, not including the part that is in Sinai. When I lived in Egypt, I often found myself planting etheric dragon eggs in family member’s homes. The first time it happened, I was in my sister-in-law’s house. She had only been married a couple of weeks, but I anchored a dragon egg there. I did not choose to do this, it just happened when I was there and I went along with it, observing ti, not knowing what the purpose of outcome would be.

I knew the dragon egg was going to be a child, but what I found interesting was that each time I anchored one of these eggs, the child was a girl. A girl who was bright, lively and awake. Even if she was twin to a brother, and there were a few of those, the girl was always different. You could see it in her eyes. The twin brother was like an asleep child, totally different, and I knew it was because the girl was a dragon-egg child, because I had anchored the egg there on a previous visit, before she was conceived. This happened a number of times, so eventually I knew what would happen each time one was anchored.

But punks, and with a purpose? The Red Dragon is a physical creator, a breaker of rules. They have to be free to find their direction in life, to follow their purpose. They will go unrecognised in their family, and may often be considered the black sheep. They learn the hard way and often are the victims of abuse in their early years or will have experienced another trauma, perhaps the loss of a parent or sibling. Part of the Red Dragon’s learning in this life is to experience difficulty and then heal from that experience. This learning becomes their gift of healing to the world.

They are born into places going through changes, or they may spend parts of their lives in places in need of change. Because they are connected to the healing of the collective unconscious they are often in situations where their own healing helps the healing of those around them. They flow with the currents of that society and as they heal their own matching wounds, they heal the wounds of all. It is not an easy path, but the Red Dragons are born with that purpose.

If this sounds like you then you know why you are the way you are. Dragon people will have had an interest/fascination with dragons since they were young. Myself? Anne McCaffrey and her Dragons of Pern were an early love, and I spent many hours drawing the covers of her books, mainly in history class while doing my A-Levels (In Ireland known as the Leaving cert). They were more real to me than Henry VIII, and I really wanted to live on Pern. Little did I know those books were awakening my own dragon nature, the part of me that had chosen to come into this life with a dragon purpose, even if I did not recognise that at the time. The books acted as ‘soul-reminders’ reminding me of who I was, on some deep, level, and why I was here. It also gave me the strength to continue.

Dragons are perceived as dangerous, maurauding, eaters of humans. And they are, symbolically, because they bring change that most do not want, but which is supremely necessary.

The Red Dragons are like cosmic cleaners, sweeping away the dust of the past on the layer of the earth’s energy field in which they are most effective. Their role is to cleanse, to heal, to refresh. Yet try to imagine it from a simpler perspective. You are in someone else’s house and are tasked with cleaning it. In the process of cleaning, you expose the dust under the carpets, the skeletons in the closet, and the children in the attic. You bring them to the attention of the owners, thinking you are doing a great job, but they are enraged. They did not hire you to show them all their faults, to show them their failures, to hold up a mirror to their bad behaviour! They employed you to clean the surfaces, to make it all look clean and presentable for others to see. But, being a Red dragon, you cannot ignore it. If it is there, and hidden, you need to expose it and clean it away. You feel how wrong it is.

Your angry employer dismisses you. You are showing them too much and are blamed for creating the mess. As a young dragon, you might have believed them, and carried that blame for a long time, right into adulthood. But eventually, you learn that it is not your mess and through intense healing, you release it – albeit slowly – if you are given the opportunity.

It can be a heavy burden to carry and many Red Dragons may experience abusive relationships, getting clear on the dynamics of abuse, so that they too can be released and cleared. But the clearing means experiencing. You are learning all the time, learning how it works and how to let it go, cleaning the psychic debris in the ‘collective’ house, leaving the astral level clearer of damaging beliefs and emotional patterns and healing family patterns in the process.

Red Dragons are born every few centuries. Humans leave a lot of psychic debris and it all needs clearing periodically, and while we are clearing that we are clearing our own. It introduces new thinking into existing cultures and smashes through crystallised ways of being; seeding new ones for the benefit of future generations A Red Dragon’s life is is rarely easy, but when it reaches a certain point, it knows who it is and then will begin to clear the layers with conscious intention, and with dedication – no matter how painful. Not many will recognise their sacrifice to humanity and may label them as dysfucntional, co-dependedent, etc. But they have a plan, and a purpose, and that is all that matters.

When your Red Dragon Self wants you to wake up to it, it will make itself known to you. It will appear during meditations, or during attunements, or through healing received from others. It might show up in myriad ways, but it will show up.

When it does, listen to what it has to say, or watch what is shows you. It is telling you it is time.


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The Blue and White Flames of the Divine Feminine.

Recently, a friend and I went to Winchester Cathedral, called as we were, to go. When we went inside, we went to the little votice candle stand to one side of the main aisle. I had a strong feeling we needed to light a candle but when we were lighting our flames it felt likethe physical version of an energetic flame we needed to light – in front of the great altar.

Before the Great Altar.

Beneath the great altar, there is an ancient well, but I was asked to plant a large blue flame, the heart of the mother, some distance away on the lower level. My friend and I sat on the pews on opposite sides, facing each other with the space between us. This flame was connected to the situation in Israel/Palestine and was an energy to help support the people there. It would bring succour to all the people suffering and thoughts of peace to the people in authority. (Personally, I had my doubts that the latter could be so influenced, but who was I to judge the efficacy of these spiritual intentions?). Nevertheless, I spent some time focussing this blue flame light on the conflict, and remembered that one of the four biggest chakra points on earth was in Jerusalem. This energy-point is a hotbed of ideas and beliefs and a place where new beliefs are birthed. This is why there has always been conflict in this area.

Over twenty years ago, my guides gave me a vision that they told me to record. This vision showed war in Israel and the golden dome of the Al-Aqsah mosque crumbling as a bright new blue-white minaret of divine feminine awareness arose from the centre, like a plant shoot grrrrrrrowing into the sky. This site, now sacred to Islam, was once also sacred to the Christians, and the Jews. They identified the Dome of the Rock with the Temple of Solomon, which I believe was an energetic temple, not a physical one.

When I see what is happening there now, my heart breaks for the people and the incredible pain they are experiencing. But I also recognise the spiritual opportunity for others around the world to develop compassion, to open their hearts and to feel the desire to help all who are suffering. The opportunity is to move beyond the personal, and to see the universal, to recognise that we are all ONE. It is only our beliefs and fears which separate us. The challenge is to open ourselves to healing the collective pain and to see with the eyes of Divinity. To recognise how our beliefs decide whose side we take, and why. To heal the rifts inside ourselves so we can see everyone as a seed of the Divine. To use our skills as healers to send light to ALL involved, especially to those who perpetrate these hatreds and who keep such a sense of victimhood in their thoughts and hearts to the point where they no longer see the humanity in front of them and instead see only animals. Those are the ones who need the light most, the ones in charge- because they have less light. As my guides once told me ‘When there is hate in your heart, there is no room for love.’ So healing the hate, and the causes of it, makes room. (It is important to remember, when anchoring these flames, that we do not think as the personality does, but as the Soul, who sees from a higher perspective).

So, with the Flame of the Heart of the Mother anchored in our wonderful Cathedral, a place with a wide river of blue light running beneath it that connects to many other sacred places, we had done what was needed. This flame would influence the waters beneath the cathedral, the waters of the Itchen, and would travel wherever the river travelled towards the sea where a huge white flame had been anchored years ago in Southampton waters.

Once we had anchored this Divine Feminine healing light, we were instructed to stand before the altar. From the ancient spring below there floated up a feminine energy, the guardian of the well. She hovered above the floor in front of the altar, facing us. Wearing a pale green hooded cloak, the colour of a green pool in the forest, she held in her hands a gold-lidded container from which she took a sweet. I was handed a lemon sherbet, and my friend, a chocolate-covered Turkish delight; the pink within representing love. I wasn’t sure what the lemon sweet I was given represented but as it was bitter-sweet, I assumed whatever it was would not be particularly easy-going. But she also pressed a single gold coin into my palm, taking some of the bitterness away. Before we went behind the altar, to continue, she suggested that the blue flame would transform into the yellow Flame of Brigit in Spring.

Behind the great altar, we took our intuited positions, not knowing what we would do there. But as we did, we became aware of the masculine energy which formed the foundations of this cathedral and the religious beliefs that went with it. Everything was about male domination, male supremacy, male control. The structure of the building itself was infused with this energy, especially where we stood. At one point this was where the tomb of St Swithin and the bones of the Kings of England were once kept, moved there by our old friend Henry du Blois from their previous position in the Old Minster.

We stood at the site of St. Swithin’s tomb and tuned in, becoming aware that we were still physically surrounded on all sides by male effigies; the tombs of wealthy bishops, saints, etc. It was as if they were the solid foundations of the building itself, holding the very male ideas around God, power and control in place. I received the thought that the white flame needed to be anchored here, right in the centre of these male figureheads. But it had to be done from the lady chapel behind where we stood, where the feminine energy was anchored.

We stood in the doorway of the lady chapel on slabs of fossil-filled limestone. I was very aware that we were standing on a very ancient sea energy. This was significant too, for where this fossil-rich limestone had first been laid down was once the floor of a warm shallow sea and these waters are often experienced as the domain of the Divine Feminine Womb of Creation.

From our position in the doorway, itself an initiatic gateway, we saw a huge white flame anchor in the space between the tombs that surrounded it. It grew steadily larger and brighter. I was aware that there were two levels to this energy: one, the older level, which was once the ground level, and the other the higher level on which we now stood. Because the white flame is a higher frequency than the other flames they are often anchored on a higher level. Years ago, my friend Eartha and I were in Corfe Castle in Dorset. There, on a higher floor where, once, the chapel was situated, we anchored a smaller white flame. I knew then that it was significantly higher and was not to be anchored on the level we were on: the lower level. We anchored the flame standing on the remaining few steps which once allowed access to the upstairs chapel.

Here, in Winchester Cathedral, the White flame was a higher feminine vibration and was anchored to transform the control exerted by the patriarchy over sacred/religious places. This also felt very connected to the situation in Israel/Palestine, as if everything would slowly disintegrate and a new feminine awareness would become more apparent. There was a sense that there was no need for the present patriarchal institutions to be destroyed; that was not the feminine way. Instead, the negative structures of the patriarchy could be transmuted, transformed, healed, and the new, higher vibrational energy of the Divine Feminine would change the effect of male anger and their need for complete control. As a result, they would need to give in a little and see with the heart.

When this felt complete, and we could see the flame reaching the vaulted ceiling, I felt the white flame anchor in my base chakra. It burst into flame all the way up my spine, but it was not in my body, like my chakras are, but half in and half outside, flaming up my back. My base chakra was hot and I wondered what effect this flame would have on my life. I did not have to wait long to see just how powerful it was. The flame travelled up my back, getting larger as it went, burning through all my chakras until it emerged at the back of my head where it was contained by a gold crown. (Both my friend and I had this experience She has been doing the Gaia method Earthways for over twenty years). The gold crown contains the flame so that it burns within a limit and not wildly. The gold anchors it at that frequency. I have anchored flames like this in Castlerigg Stone Circle, and in Southampton waters at the meeting of the two rivers, and their influence affects a large area. There have been times when the extent of the energy from Southampton waters could be felt in Winchester.

Once we felt that the energies were complete, we walked back over to to the flame and I found myself adding the barest touch of blue, magenta and gold energy, which gave the vaguest hue to the white flame. These three additional colours are the three rays of Love, Wisdom and Power. (Thanks N for the reminder). Through the cleansing fire of the Divine Feminine, these three ray energies are added to the healing power of the flame.

I had a feeling that this personal anchoring of the flames in my body was going to be a big transmutation, but I had no idea how big until the following week when I went through an emotional clearing like never before. Secrets and lies in my family of origin were painfully exposed and old abuses were finally spoken, especially issues around the men in my family. It was an extremely painful week as injustice, which had been a large part of my life, was brought to light, and I held nothing back. There was a huge need to speak the hidden truths and to stand up for who I was, for the me that was not what others believed me to be. The releasing of these secrets, and they were not mine but those of others, but which once had a massive effect on my life and the lives of my children, was like a black tree whose darkened roots were being torn from different parts of my body. I was very much aware of a past life dynamic that was also being healed so there were multiple levels to deal with. I imagine that as the flame travelled through the chakras they were healing anything that was not Divine Feminine Love.

As a result, I have had a first-hand experience of the power of this Flame and understand how it might change things in the collective unconscious. Things might get a bit chaotic as these energies are released but if we remember that all is in Divine order, then all will be well.


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