The Dragon Energies Simplified.

This is what my guides have to say about the true nature of Dragon energy:

“The dragons exist as concepts designed to help humanity at this stage of their development. As concepts, they have existed in many forms and in other stages of development, they have existed as other forms. Not all stages require the same conceptual imagery.

Because of the over-materialising of modern living, there is a great need to return to the natural world. The separation between Man and Earth is growing and there is a need for people to ‘come back to the Earth’. This is where the dragons come in. In order to ‘come back to the Earth’, new thoughtforms have to be created whereby people are impulsed to return to previously known energies, and ways of living.

Dragons are the energy of ‘thought-in-motion’. They act through channels of reality, and action. Working with the dragons in this way, keeps the energy grounded and real, otherwise they spiral into fantasy, where no work can be done, for although fantasy has its uses, it is often ungrounded and unrealistic..

Water Dragon.

“Dragons are the guardians of the underworld, both that of the Earth realm and that of the realm of human consciousness. When you awaken the sleeping dragon, you are initiating a course of action within the mind of humanity, which will change the thinking of everyone on the Earth plane. For this reason, only certain people are ‘qualified’ to work with the dragons, as they have built up, over many incarnations, the ability to work with the human mind. Their thinking is focused, and direct, and they are capable of deep contemplation, plumbing their own depths and that of humanity. The dragon represents all that is mighty and powerful within the forces of creation. In awakening this dragon you also awaken man’s ability to create heaven on earth. Only in using power with wisdom can true magic be affected.”

For more on Dragons click here.

When I received this info, it made perfect sense to me. It is important to remain grounded, even when what we see, feel and experience sounds like fantasy to others. The dragon energies are symbolic of very real forces: emotional, mental, energetic, and even physical. They are what keep us alive and connected to the world around us. They are conceptual images of all aspects of nature and exist in a layer of consciousness that is more elemental than physical, influencing our thoughts and emotions so that we feel more connected to the natural world. All physical manifestation has its energetic counterpart and the dragons are part of that energetic counterpart.

Although they are the forces that work with us, closer to the physical world than other energies, They work through us, not separately from us. They join their energetic consciousnesses to ours so that we can work in partnership. Their body becomes our body, or at least a facet of it. We embody them when we are initiated into their sphere. Our energies merge to become one and yet we can still separate our thinking from theirs so that our human mind can do all it needs to do when living in the human world. But, when they need us to be in their energy they will make themselves known and then they show us what to do on their behalf.

Remember that what happens on a Dragon level, impacts us on a physical-reality level. This can be through our emotions, our creativity, our minds or our physical bodies. We are channelling dragon power through our physical bodies.

Below, I will explain what I have learned, so far, about working with these energies. And if you are interested in learning how to work with the different dragon energies, click here.

As Gaia Method workers, we learn to channel and maintain the energy of these two elements. We channel Solar energy into certain feminine energy sites, and also help maintain the flow of water energy in other sites, such as cathedrals, churches and stone circles. Humans have always created Sacred spaces, so that the fertility of the land is assured. Without this work, the land becomes empty and unproductive; a wasteland. When we work with these energies, we anchor thought-forms into the ether, where receptive minds pick them up. We do not know what the thoughtforms are, because we are channelling and directing these energies that come from our higher consciousness. We are often given aid from the spiritual guardians of sites in how we should carry out this work, so we are merely channels and witnesses.

Gold Dragons.

Lessons of Power. The ability to generate abundance that is free to all depends on the ability to balance power with desire. If one desires much and is given what they desire yet their power issues are out of balance, that abundance is then used for personal gain and does not benefit the whole.

However, when abundance is achieved by one who balances power with desire, that abundance is then used to generate ‘more abundance’ for the common good and the betterment of humanity.

The Gold Dragon represents gold, money, and abundance. It is the power of wealth and the wisdom to use it wisely. This dragon is about using wealth for the betterment of all, not simply hoarding it or wanting it because you want luxury or comfort. In working with this dragon, wealth comes to you as you need it. It is not about becoming rich and having an easy life. Dragon-gold is given because you are working in service to humanity, using your money to continue your work. You are given what you need. This doesn’t mean you do not have a life of security. Your needs will be met because having a secure life means you are free to do your work without worrying about how to pay the bills.

There are lessons around money: how you save, how you spend, etc. If you misspend your wealth because you have not learned the wisdom to use it properly, then you will learn from that. All your beliefs, and illusions, around money will come up. However, even when you make mistakes, the dragon supports you, but you are expected to learn so you don’t waste those resources. They are your payment for the work you do. But you will learn to share it.

This dragon energy can take up residence where the wealth of nations, and of smaller communities, are centred, such as local authority offices, businesses, your place of work, etc. Anything that affects your life and the lives of others, is impacted by the gold dragon.

He guards his gold for a good reason. Humans do not a great reputation for looking after the wealth of the world. But if you let him, he will teach you how.

Red Dragon Energies.

The Red Dragon helps you care for your physicality, and purpose. Where are you in the world? What are you doing? Are you pursuing your Soul path or are you trapped by the will of others?

This dragon is both your lifeblood and the lifeblood of the physical planet. It is what feeds you, on all levels. It teaches you how to take care of your physical existence through how you feel about what you are doing in life. If your life is unfulfilling, or you feel you are not where you are supposed to be, this dragon energy helps you to clear the way, showing you where you are stuck, or where you are flowing, if that is the case.

The red dragon is always flowing, always creating life. If it does not flow, it backs up, causing stagnation. That is its nature. It desires constant movement. Staying still does not work for it and if it does find itself stuck and unmoving, it can feel difficult to manage. Only when it is free to move again, can it continue its work of creation and revitalising.

For a journal entry about awakening a red dragon energy, click here.

Only the strongest, the most resilient, can work with the black dragons. They are the dark, the mysterious, full of illusion and delusion. If you have not yet learned how to balance your thinking, how to question what you see, then you are not ready. Only those with the strongest, clearest minds and can see ‘multiple realities’ for what they are i.e. layers of symbolic meaning, designed to protect the very nature of the work, can work within these realms. These are the realms of humanity’s deepest recesses, their darkness, their passions and desires for riches, power and dominion. Only those who can keep their heart light steady, focussed on what is real, can join the ranks of the great Dragon healers. Healers of the dark side, the shadow side of human consciousness.

This is a challenging dragon energy to work with and not everyone can work with them. They are the hidden depths of human emotion, those emotions that are seen as negative or chaotic but which are important. The black dragon is powerful. He sees the darkness in the world and knows that sometimes it takes darkness to heal. Life is not always love and light. Darkness exists too. If there was no darkness, you would not recognise the light. The world needs the dark. Sometimes it brings rest, time away from the world, so you can be in some dark emotion. Healing is not easy; most people want to avoid it, but if you are working with dragons, you cannot avoid it. In order to grow, you must heal our own darkness. The only way out, is through, as they say. Working with the dark dragon means learning that all is not what it seems. Dark things happen, yet when they do humanity is forced to deal with it; to change it; to grow through it. What we resist, will persist, until we look it squarely in the face.

You have to plumb the depths of your own consciousness, emotion and behaviour, learning to know the difference between your own issues and those of the issues you are working with. The tricky part is, because the energies you are working with often mirror your own unhealed issues, it can be difficult to tell them apart. But the black dragon energy wastes nothing, so you find that in healing that issue in yourself you are also healing it on behalf of humanity. This is also why you may find yourself in situations or places that are challenging to live in. Those places need your help and you are drawn to living there for both your own healing and the healing of others.

There are also many places where ‘negative’ energy remains as a result of past human behaviour, and you are called to clear them too.  Because you understand this ahead of time, you can remain separate enough and not get too caught up in identifying with the negative behaviour which generated the energy in the first place. Understanding that every negative action provides a learning opportunity for humanity to learn to Love is what keeps you whole and centred.

For a journal entry about working with Black dragons click here.

Green Dragons.

The Green Dragons are the energy of vegetation and birth. They are very much associated with natural springs, which are the source of rivers and streams. When they are not residing over natural springs and young rivers, you will often find the Green Dragon wanting to be awakened in religious buildings where the energy has been capped by a male-cntred priesthood. When they are freed, it is as if they are saying: ‘Do not forget us. We create the world of nature. Even in winter, when all is asleep, we keep the green of nature alive and fruitful.’ Life is not all about dogmatic religion. The Green Dragon flows, it wants to create new life, it wants to renew itself. But man is afraid of this creative power of the Feminine and so it seeks to prevent its power, especially in sites where it was once venerated. Religious Man does not recognise the balance between male and female sacred power, but this was not always the way. In the past, the sacredness of water was acknowledged as a manifestation of the feminine and used in sacred rituals. But over time it changed. Now, however, the Green dragons want to be acknowledged and we can bring that into reality by working with them.

The Green Dragon energy is a reminder not to forget the creative fertility of the Divine Feminine waters that emerge from the Mother’s body to feed us with new life.

Blue Dragons

The Blue Dragon is water, but water that comes from the sky as rain. Whereas the Green dragon emerges as springs from the earth, the blue dragon energies come from the skies. In a way, these two dragons work together, one from below and the other from above.

Historically, there have always been people who had the ability to work with rain. Cultures around the world have their rain dances, their rituals, their cleansings. Water has its elemental energies, just like every other physical element on earth. Therefore, it is something that can be worked with energetically. The Blue dragon is also creative, carving up the earth, nurturing its inhabitants, cleansing the collective energies of humanity when they fill the air with pain. It knows when it is needed, it has own rhythms and cycles. It is we who have lost touch.

The blue dragon can teach you how to cleanse and clear, how to nourish, and grow the world. It can teach you to use the energetic pathways of water and how to work with it, rather than against it. You learn what is needed, not what is wanted. What does nature require? What can you do to help? That is what you need to ask when working with the blue dragons.

Dragon Energies.

White Dragons are higher inspiration and creative ideas that need to be anchored in our 3-d dimensional reality. This inspiration can come through any form of art: music, writing, visual arts, drama, etc. The energies that come through with the White Dragon energies are very healing and are used to anchor higher artistic expression on the earth plane, for the healing and betterment of humanity.

The White Dragon energies are associated with sites with a high creative energy. They come in ‘from above’, like the Luck Dragon in the Never-Ending Story.  They are also accessible through warm, coral reefs which hold an abundance of beauty and colour.

Sometimes, the White dragon energy is a higher expression of the red and gold, more physical, dragon energies that we work with. When we succeed in a lesson about wealth, or have healed something important to our soul purpose, the Red or Gold dragon can become the higher ‘Light’ dragon and you are no longer as blocked in your work.

All ‘dragon energies’ are symbolic of certain forces of nature. Working with them involves learning how to work with Nature, in both her positive and negative aspects. We don’t control these energies, just as we cannot really control nature, but our Soul knows how to read Nature and how to work with her forces.

The Gaia Method attunements are a first step in learning how to work with these forces wisely and through the energy of our connection to the Soul of the planet, Gaia. It is through our connection to her that we learn how to balance ourselves and the energies that feed us, allowing us continued existence on this, our schoolhouse planet.

Unexpected Dragon Clearing.

cornwall056I have been busy lately, having undergone some shifts relating to letting go of allowing myself to be controlled, or manipulated into doing what others want me to do.
As healers, we are particularly susceptible to this, but once we recognise how someone else’s needs may be holding us back, it is then up to us to allow it or to move on to more empowered living.
It can be painful and disorienting but ultimately freeing.
Controlling or manipulative behaviour stems from fear, and is not done on purpose. Recognising that helps us to stay out of a victim-place, knowing that, once we understand what we are experiencing we can then make choices about what course of action needs to be taken.
For me, it is about pulling back, finding my own centre again. Sometimes it feels like starting over, and that’s OK too. I immerse myself in creativity and find my new direction, which appears eventually.
I had an experience with dragon energy three weeks ago which I now understand was the start of this letting go. I was preparing to go to Carisbrooke Castle, on the Isle of Wight, to do energy work when I closed my eyes and saw a rainbow dragon swirling up around my legs. As it moved further up around my body it became a black dragon, and then further up still a white dragon. As it spiralled around me it was collecting energy the same colour as itself, so the black dragon was collecting black energy streams, and the rainbow dragon, different colours energy streams. When it reached above my head it spun itself, as if on a spindle and spiralled back to where the energies had originated. what-are-dragons1
I saw that they were other people’s energy: desires, Will, needs. I didn’t know what they were exactly, but I knew they were sent out from other people and were affecting me somehow. Later, I realised that it was through using an essence, one I made at St. Nectan’s Waterfall but never actually used, that this was happening in the first place. I never knew what this essence was for but through this experience I discovered that it clears other people’s energy commitments from your ‘field’, freeing you to follow your own path!
I am still going through this process, as it takes time and much clearing of emotion to continue a path you didn’t know you weren’t on anymore! But I am slowly feeling more centred again and more in control of my own destiny!
So, once again, I have learned a new way that dragon-energy works in our field. The fact that the dragons shifted colour as they moved up through my energy-field tells me about the energies I had inadvertently accepted; the thoughts or desires that I thought were mine but which were proving to be a blockage to my own path.
This must happen all the time, to everyone. We all affect each other, one way or the other, but sometimes it gets in the way and needs to be cleared. The people from whom we have accepted these energy streams become very obvious as we begin the process of clearing. It is in our everyday interactions with people that tell us what behaviours and feelings are connected to them. Once we have that information, then we can choose what we do with them. I usually withdraw gracefully and continue on my own path. Other people can fulfil their needs, it doesn’t have to be me.
So now I am back on track…or at least getting there and getting ready to continue the journey. I have only a vague idea of where this is leading me but it will be of my Soul’s choosing, not anyone else’s.