The Gaia Method Earthways™

Gaia is the name the Greeks gave to Mother Earth.  In giving her a name, they made her an entity they could relate to. She was the Mother, the personification of the physical world, the land they lived on and that nurtured their lives.

As the Soul of Mother Earth, Gaia has her own plan for growth and we are part of that plan. Like a gardener caring for a beautiful garden, she and her elemental helpers keep the garden abundant and lovely, tending it, growing it and sharing it. As the gardener, she enjoys the human ants in her green lawn watching them develop their tiny communities and enjoying their industrious teamwork. Her hope for us is that we will learn to respect her; enjoy her creations, and live in harmony with the other entities that live on, and within her.

She remains in hope, even when all the evidence is to the contrary.

In the Arthurian stories, she was known as Sovereignty, the Goddess of the land. In other cultures, she has a different name, but all describe the same entity. She has many aspects but all work together as facets of a multidimensional whole.

So, what is the Gaia Method Earthways™?

The Gaia Method Earthways is a system of planetary healing, developed over twenty years. The system was channelled, little by little, over time, until it built into a system of working with the many dimensions of creation. These include the dragon realms, the elemental realms, the ancestral realms and the realms of the Divine Feminine and Divine masculine.

 It bridges shamanic and Lightwork healing, allowing access to the many levels, or dimensions of reality, that make up the earth and the consciousness of Gaia. It begins with a deep connection to the Earth as Mother, becoming rooted in her and acting on her behalf, healing the rifts we, as humans, have created in her body of light. 

There are many dimensions in Gaia’s reality. There is the crystalline layer; the dragon layer; the elemental and Dryad layer. There is the realm of archetypes where myth and magic meet; the astral layer and the ancestral layer. There is the collective unconscious that holds the thought-forms and beliefs humanity has built over the years, both positive and negative. And running through all this there is the grid of light feeding the planet, and everything on it, with vitality; a grid which needs healing and clearing, just as our body’s network of energy lines does from time to time.

The Gaia Method Earthways was gifted to me, over twenty two years, by trees and elementals, to help us heal the part of Gaia’s world we feel drawn to and to assist her in returning to a balanced state. As humans, we are partially responsible for the imbalance and so it is up to us to do the work of putting things right – in the way Gaia wants us to.

I offer these pages with the aim of helping you as you work with Gaia, however you do it. Whether you do the Gaia Method Earthways™ or you communicate with Gaia in your own way, I hope these pages give more information for your journey and that it makes the map in your backpack a little easier to follow.

Journey well.



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9 thoughts on “The Gaia Method Earthways™

  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Now, when I go back to visit this old tree friend, I will have to ask who have I been speaking with all these years. I call her Grandmother Sycamore.


  2. Wow just had the pleasure of running into your site. What an amazing synchronicity. I have been tasked by the mother with building a place for the teaching of earth healing called Rising Stones. I was compelled to build a stone circle and currently building a dragon earth work as part of the great work. I will continue to follow.
    As one


  3. Hello there, I hope you don’t mind me writing to you. I just recently had an encounter with a white dragon it was spectacular gleaming full light white with an electric blue aura. Sounds crazy I know but it spoke to me asking if it could join with me, I said yes of course. Sounds crazy but it is very blissful it only happened yesterday early evening at 7pm. I was not in meditation but was up in the garden awake, it had no wing à it’s body was long and just sort of flowing in like an S shape in the air. Please can you shed any light on this for me..


    • Hi Shivahari, I see the white dragon like this too! They rarely have wings when they come in from an inspirational realm. Merging with it could mean that you will be inspired, or will develop a craft of some kind. It is nearly like you are connecting to your own higher inspiration. All the dragons are creators, in one way or another, so whichever dragon you connect with, you will create from that level. The white dragon tends to be a more spiritually oriented creativity, such as inspired writing, art, craft or more earthy things such as horticulture, etc. It’s about being inspired and creative from a higher realm. Dragons will appear at any point, so being in meditation does not matter. They do tend to appear while you are out in nature, so that makes perfect sense. They are a higher nature energy. Enjoy your connection. It may well shift your life’s direction in some way. 🙂

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