To Receive a Reiki Attunement.

Reiki was my first ‘opener of the Way’. It gave me energetic support I had never experienced before and sent me on a path of ascension and healing. Without Reiki, the Gaia Method Earthways would never have come to be. The attunements are passed to help the person heal herself and to build her capacity to hold, send and receive energy. To heal others, she must first heal herself.

Reiki is an important adjunct to the Gaia Method Earthways System. The more space we make in the energy field, through healing and growth, the more we expand. By the time it comes to doing the second level of the Gaia Method Earthways the more important this becomes. At the Reiki Master Level, you have expanded your energy field enough to integrate more easily the second level of the Gaia Method Earthways. It also means you can pass on the energies of both the main levels.

Each attunement comes with a recording of the attunement which you can listen to as a meditation and also a certificate. I recommend the books: Japanese Art of Reiki: A Practical Guide to Self-healing. and the Reiki Sourcebook. I don’t provide a manual as I would be reinventing the wheel, but I do send a write-up of information about the attunement you have received, which will be personal to you. I am also available for added support via email or on my facebook page.

Reiki Attunement Level One.

This first attunement opens the Reiki fire in your Solar Plexus and allows you to channel healing energy through your hands. The energy gives you added support in your life and is the perfect complement to the Gaia Method Earthways. Reiki helps you to develop sensitivity to energy. The more you heal in yourself the better you are able to hold energy and clear blockages. The more you heal, the more you can hold. The First level gives you the first symbol of the Reiki System. This symbol is the name of an energy. It is symbolic of the Reiki fire you can bring through. The symbol helps you to call in the necessary healing energy.


Reiki Level two

The second attunement increases the fire in your Solar Plexus, like a mini conflagration, thereby increasing the energy that flows through your hands. At this level, you learn to work with healing emotional issues and past traumas. You learn to send energy for distance healing, including into the past of your own currrent lifetime, and past lifetimes. You can send healing to others, including to the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom.


Reiki Third Level.

This attunement gives you the master symbol for passing on attunements to other people. It anchors in the Hara Line, connecting you to your divinity. From here on in, your healing comes from your Higher Self, or Soul. It is called the Teacher level, but you do not have to teach until you feel ready to do so. Reiki is your journey. But it is an important attunement to learn. With this level of development you can pass on the energies of the Gaia Method Earthways too as your energy body has reached the required capacity for holding energy and you already know how to pass an attunement. When you are ready…


Reiki Additional symbols.

These are energies which your guides and Soul believe would be of use to you in your development. They may come from any of the Reiki Modalities I have learned over the years. They may include symbols from Karuna Reiki, Seichem and Sechem, Kundalini Reiki, Tibetan Reiki and Tera-Mai Seichem. In this attunement you will receive four symbols which come as a recorded meditation of the attunement so you can meditate with them to strengthen your connection to the energies.


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