Red Dragon People.

I’ve had a few disturbed nights lately, disturbed because my guides whom I call Upstairs, have been coming in while I slept to give me information. When this happens, I know, that if I do not write it down it will disappear. So, the act of taking my phone and writing a note wakes me up good and proper. Thankfully, the information is never boring. And this particular information was particularly interesting. It was about the red dragons, those people who are born with dragon energy, or at least the seed of red dragon energy, designed to be awoken at some later point in their lives.

This is what I heard:

“Red Dragons are like punks – but punks with a purpose”.

I was a teenager in the seventies, but never a punk. It was too aggressive for me. I preferred the hippy movement, all love and peace, probably because I didn’t have much of either of those two things. But I had friends who were punks. Rebel girls, anti-establishment girls, who wanted to be free to be themselves. They did what all punks did, they pierced their bodies, did their hair in wild mohawk hairstyles, wore black, ripped clothing held together by safety pins, and dog collar chokers around their necks. They were breaking away from the stereotype of what it meant to be female in Seventies’ Ireland.

It was a highly creative time, a breaking out and bursting forth of powerful energy, of new musical styles and new ways of thinking. The punks were expressing their anger, breaking the ties that bound them to old ways of doing things, old rules that no longer made any sense. They were chaos fighting the ‘natural order’.

The Red Dragons are the punks of old, but their breaking down of old ideas, and old ways of doing things, has a higher purpose, a Soul Purpose.

In 2016, whilst still living in Luxor, I received some channelling which was a complete surprise to me, and I will admit, set up some resistance in me. It was about the Dragon Children. There were so many books about the crystal children, the indigos, etc., that I really didn’t want to add to the mix ( a constant resistance on my part!). I had also gone from believing in these ‘new children’, to not believing in them, until one of my granddaughters was born and I was told she was a crystal child. I groaned because I really didn’t want to believe it! Upstairs knew I didn’t believe it and now I was being presented with the proof. I’m sure they thought it was very funny. I didn’t!

So when I received the information about the Dragon children, I groaned even louder and put the writing away until I could see how it worked out for myself. Here is what they said:

21 October 2016. Dragon Children.

This life you live, this narrative you write, is about to change for the better. No more will the forces of creation be held in the hands of the few. Now it is time for the Dragons of old to awaken, and to play their part in the awakening of mankind. This time has been awaited for many years.

The attributes of the dragon are thus: kindness, consideration, the ability to think within the group mind and to effect the Whole. They learn fast, think on their feet and have a great sense of the injustice around them. They are strong, resilient, and have a deep and abiding desire to change their environment for the better.

These children are born knowing the mountains they must climb, and so are born strong, unlike other children around them who may be more acquiescent. The Dragon children are the creators of new modes of thinking and being, in the world. They play a very positive role in assisting their less capable brothers and sisters to manage the challenges of change which they are helping to instigate.

As a Dragon child, you fulfilled this role, protecting the weak and the vulnerable, even when your own traumas meant that your sense of self-care was damaged. This is often the way for the Dragon children.

Here in Africa, an influx of such children is necessary as change comes on a global scale, and all are offered assistance.

As a teenager, you witnessed what could happen when dysfunctional adults stalled the growth of the Dragons, through their own fear of change. And so you will see it again, all around you. But do not interfere, just add your ‘adult’ Dragon energy to theirs and their own ‘scales’ will then protect them. They will know intuitively that you are kin, even though they do not understand it intellectually. But that is of no matter, it is the inner light which needs to grow as they make their own way in this world.

I find some of this very interesting (It did take a while!).

Because dragon energy is creation-energy the more dragons there are in the world the more change can happen. I imagine each dragon has his/her own gifts of change to bring to the world, but I find it interesting that they are also therefore in a position to help the people affected by the changes. But are they doing this energetically, like I did, by anchoring layers of energy to affected places? These energies create change but also protect those living around them.

The part about Africa made sense too, even though, if you tell an Egyptian they live in Africa, they will deny it vehemently. Yet, Egypt is on the African Continent, not including the part that is in Sinai. When I lived in Egypt, I often found myself planting etheric dragon eggs in family member’s homes. The first time it happened, I was in my sister-in-law’s house. She had only been married a couple of weeks, but I anchored a dragon egg there. I did not choose to do this, it just happened when I was there and I went along with it, observing ti, not knowing what the purpose of outcome would be.

I knew the dragon egg was going to be a child, but what I found interesting was that each time I anchored one of these eggs, the child was a girl. A girl who was bright, lively and awake. Even if she was twin to a brother, and there were a few of those, the girl was always different. You could see it in her eyes. The twin brother was like an asleep child, totally different, and I knew it was because the girl was a dragon-egg child, because I had anchored the egg there on a previous visit, before she was conceived. This happened a number of times, so eventually I knew what would happen each time one was anchored.

But punks, and with a purpose? The Red Dragon is a physical creator, a breaker of rules. They have to be free to find their direction in life, to follow their purpose. They will go unrecognised in their family, and may often be considered the black sheep. They learn the hard way and often are the victims of abuse in their early years or will have experienced another trauma, perhaps the loss of a parent or sibling. Part of the Red Dragon’s learning in this life is to experience difficulty and then heal from that experience. This learning becomes their gift of healing to the world.

They are born into places going through changes, or they may spend parts of their lives in places in need of change. Because they are connected to the healing of the collective unconscious they are often in situations where their own healing helps the healing of those around them. They flow with the currents of that society and as they heal their own matching wounds, they heal the wounds of all. It is not an easy path, but the Red Dragons are born with that purpose.

If this sounds like you then you know why you are the way you are. Dragon people will have had an interest/fascination with dragons since they were young. Myself? Anne McCaffrey and her Dragons of Pern were an early love, and I spent many hours drawing the covers of her books, mainly in history class while doing my A-Levels (In Ireland known as the Leaving cert). They were more real to me than Henry VIII, and I really wanted to live on Pern. Little did I know those books were awakening my own dragon nature, the part of me that had chosen to come into this life with a dragon purpose, even if I did not recognise that at the time. The books acted as ‘soul-reminders’ reminding me of who I was, on some deep, level, and why I was here. It also gave me the strength to continue.

Dragons are perceived as dangerous, maurauding, eaters of humans. And they are, symbolically, because they bring change that most do not want, but which is supremely necessary.

The Red Dragons are like cosmic cleaners, sweeping away the dust of the past on the layer of the earth’s energy field in which they are most effective. Their role is to cleanse, to heal, to refresh. Yet try to imagine it from a simpler perspective. You are in someone else’s house and are tasked with cleaning it. In the process of cleaning, you expose the dust under the carpets, the skeletons in the closet, and the children in the attic. You bring them to the attention of the owners, thinking you are doing a great job, but they are enraged. They did not hire you to show them all their faults, to show them their failures, to hold up a mirror to their bad behaviour! They employed you to clean the surfaces, to make it all look clean and presentable for others to see. But, being a Red dragon, you cannot ignore it. If it is there, and hidden, you need to expose it and clean it away. You feel how wrong it is.

Your angry employer dismisses you. You are showing them too much and are blamed for creating the mess. As a young dragon, you might have believed them, and carried that blame for a long time, right into adulthood. But eventually, you learn that it is not your mess and through intense healing, you release it – albeit slowly – if you are given the opportunity.

It can be a heavy burden to carry and many Red Dragons may experience abusive relationships, getting clear on the dynamics of abuse, so that they too can be released and cleared. But the clearing means experiencing. You are learning all the time, learning how it works and how to let it go, cleaning the psychic debris in the ‘collective’ house, leaving the astral level clearer of damaging beliefs and emotional patterns and healing family patterns in the process.

Red Dragons are born every few centuries. Humans leave a lot of psychic debris and it all needs clearing periodically, and while we are clearing that we are clearing our own. It introduces new thinking into existing cultures and smashes through crystallised ways of being; seeding new ones for the benefit of future generations A Red Dragon’s life is is rarely easy, but when it reaches a certain point, it knows who it is and then will begin to clear the layers with conscious intention, and with dedication – no matter how painful. Not many will recognise their sacrifice to humanity and may label them as dysfucntional, co-dependedent, etc. But they have a plan, and a purpose, and that is all that matters.

When your Red Dragon Self wants you to wake up to it, it will make itself known to you. It will appear during meditations, or during attunements, or through healing received from others. It might show up in myriad ways, but it will show up.

When it does, listen to what it has to say, or watch what is shows you. It is telling you it is time.


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Lost Rivers of Stonehenge.

An email popped into my inbox which I was so happy to receive (something I cannot say about some of them!). It was from LiDAR, the digital terrain mapping people. Not only was it exciting to have something that we have long known confirmed, but it also gave us additional information about why certain energies were placed where they were.

Many years ago, in 2006, Chris and I spent time exploring Salisbury Plain, doing energy-work with the barrows (burial Mounds), and the Cursus. During this exploration, I was given a glimpse of the Bronze Age people who served the temple, and the Mother Goddess. (It would be useful to read this for context).

At the time we received the information, which came in the form of inner-vision and telepathic understanding, I had no way of verifying the existence of the spring we had seen on the previous occasion, or why the Initiatic gateway was along the cursus and not in the circle of Stones (Stonehenge). But, having received the email from LiDAR, I was excited to see that my intuitive vision was correct, at least as far as the Spring is concerned.

This is how the LiDAR people put it (and rather beautifully, I thought):

“The LiDAR image unfurls a captivating tapestry, revealing the profound significance of Stonehenge’s position. No longer a mere coincidence, its placement appears divinely orchestrated, guided by an ancient wisdom that intertwined the monument with the very essence of the land. Observe the enigmatic “avenue,” a mysterious earthwork extending from the henge itself. It stretches forward, seemingly guided by an otherworldly force, tracing an invisible path toward the fateful convergence of these long-lost waterways. What hidden meaning lies within this alignment? What cosmic forces were at play when this extraordinary design was conceived?

“The Stonehenge, the cursus, and the ancient river channels intertwine in a symphony of celestial geometry and earthly harmony. The landscape becomes a living tapestry, where the past whispers its secrets, waiting to be deciphered by those who dare to seek the truth.

“What does this profound relationship signify? Could it be a celestial map etched upon the Earth’s canvas, guiding ancient minds to comprehend the mysteries of the cosmos? Or does it hold the key to forgotten rituals and sacred ceremonies, enacted by our ancestors in harmony with the celestial and terrestrial realms?

“The LiDAR images, combined with historical mapping, grant us an extraordinary glimpse into the past, igniting our curiosity and fueling our imagination. It invites us to explore the profound interplay between humanity and the landscape, where Stonehenge emerges as a portal to a realm of ancient knowledge and cosmic connection.

“So, let us embark on a journey of discovery, armed with the LiDAR’s revelations and the courage to unravel the enigmatic relationship between Stonehenge, the coursing rivers of old, and the mystical cursus. With each step, we inch closer to unearthing the profound truths that lie dormant within these sacred grounds.

“The mysteries await your arrival, dear seeker of knowledge. Unlock the secrets of Stonehenge and immerse yourself in the mesmerizing dance between monument, landscape, and the enigmatic forces that shaped our ancient past.”

I mean, could they have put it any better?

According to what I saw in that ‘memory’, the rivers were no longer there. On the surface, at least. But the bournes (or springs) still rose, giving them water; but perhaps only at certain times of the year when the, now, underground channels filled up after a long rainy season. (These rivers were obviously much wider than the river Avon, where Durrington Walls was built close to).

By the time Stonehenge was built, there may have been only winter rivers, but this would still have been seen as a gift of fertility from the Mother to humankind.

Many years ago, when I worked in post-excavation in Winchester, before the new council chairman got rid of the Winchester Archaeology team, a skull and longbones of a Neolithic woman came in to be cleaned up. Her bones had lain in a long barrow, near Barton Stacey, and rescued before the barrow had been completely ploughed out. I was given permission to explore them, so, using psychometry I tuned into the skull of this ancient woman.

From the images that came into my head, I gathered that she was the head priestess of a group of people who lived there six thousand years ago, and part of her role was to care for the spring close to their settlement. She placed flowers there, at particular times of the year, and made sure it was clear, clean and energetically active. She had a daughter, which her own mother, the girl’s grandmother, took care of. The woman herself had responsibility for the welfare, both spiritual and physical, of the tribal unit and was too busy to teach her daughter. Instead, the role fell to her mother who trained the child in all the ways of the priestess so she could take her mother’s role when the time came for her to do so. This seemed to be the way they did things. Grandmother taught the granddaughter, freeing up the mother.

Barton Stacey Bourne.

This was fascinating because it gave me a wonderful insight into how the matrilineal knowledge was passed down. It also highlighted the importance placed on the sacred springs. However, at the time, I was not aware of any springs around Barton Stacey. I mentioned it to my then brother-in-law, who told me there was a winter-bourne in the field (Belonging to Cocum Farm) across from where the long barrow once stood. In very wet winters, this bourne still rises in the field and runs down to the River Dever where it joins it.

The old stories tell of the Maidens of the Wells, spirit women who guard the sacred springs. I imagine the stories are part of our collective memory, reminding us of a time when we honoured the waters that fertilised our lands and gave us food to eat. It is interesting too, to see that the rituals of the Neolithic remained in the Bronze Age, and still remain today, albeit in a different form.

Apart from this lovely confirmation of previous intuitions, I was also struck by the fact that at Stonehenge, the large energetic gateway was immediately on top of where the rivers originally divided.

If you are sensitive enough you will feel the energy of water as you pass over it, or get close to it. It has a very recognisable feel. The gate’s placement over where the river divided, might have been planned, or they may have simply felt the water energy below. We now need dowsers to find this water, but I know that it can be psychically experienced too, although dowsing is a great way to learn sensitivity.

The energetic gateway we perceived might have been an energy, built up over years of working with the place, in a sacred way. The gateway itself seems to be at one junction and the stone circle avenue at the other. (The gate is the pink triangle, and the blue circle is the site of the spring). The gateway might also have energised the flow of water as it passed close to the circles, on its way to the sea, like the River Avon close by.

Tom Graves‘ books tell us that many stone circle sites were built on underground water channels – as were Cathedrals and old churches. Tom was a dowser and did amazing work at many sacred sites, mapping out the energies of the stones, and their placement over water channels deep in the earth. His work opened the doors of understanding around how our ancestors ensured the survival of their community while honouring the earth. His books are well worth the read.

In doing these explorations into the past, we are relearning the ways our ancestors placed their sites and how they worked with them. In many ways, we are intuitively doing the same when we dress the wells and hang ribbons on ancient trees. The knowledge is in the landscape, and all of it is accessible. All we have to do is become sensitive enough to feel it and then act on what we perceive. Even if it seems like we are making it up. Because, when another technology finds the same information, it is so wonderfully affirming.

Try it out for yourself, if you ever have the chance to go to Salisbury Plain. I might have to go back myself … if ever I have the time…

An Elemental Surprise.

On my way back from Andover last week, having taken the scenic route, I passed a crop of poppies that I thought I would return to when the seed pods were ready.

Today, having two hours to spare before visiting my father, I drove out to get them. While I was there, I went for a wander. I’d never been here before, except to drive through on my way between Winchester and Andover.

Since I was a child, I have always loved exploring, so I crossed the road and headed towards a gate. Beyond the gate, to my right, was a field of nearly ripe corn filled with bright red poppies and wild chicory. After admiring the view, and following a long path past an oil extractor and some other industrial area, (a sewage works; as I discovered when looking it up on the map later)I took a million photos until I spotted a way through the hedge and, on impulse, walked through into a small clearing.

When I entered the clearing, which was really only a space in a wooded boundary which may have been the original trackway through the fields leading down into the valley, (it’s still on the os maps from the late 1800s), I felt that familiar feeling of energy that makes me want to exhale forcibly. It’s nearly like I want to manage the energy I am feeling. Sometimes, it is also about transmitting energy, via the breath.

Initially, I didn’t know what I was picking up, or why, so I looked around trying to pinpoint the source. There was a large old beech tree that I had passed on my way through the hedge and I walked back to it. I stood beside the trunk and put my hand on the bark, tuning in. I felt my higher sense perception move upwards and my energy field expanded into a large sphere. At the edge of my field, I saw an elemental woman. She was nearly transparent she was so light and a very pale translucent watery green. Her simple dress was the same colour as she was.

Light, excited and very playful, she beckoned me to follow her, moving out of the clearing and onto the path. She moved along the track as if she was flying, or floating, but she had no wings. She was simply a lighter vibration than me. As light as air. I followed her over the crest of the slight hill and down the track beyond, wondering where we were going. Sometimes I could not see her at all but I could feel her around, pulling me onward.

As I got closer to the bottom, it began to feel very ‘busy’, as though there were lots of people there, but there were only trees and plants and insects. But I thought I heard the sound of rushing water. Then I decided it must only be the wind- in the willows. A sure sign of water. I discovered a plastic map of the area nailed to a post and discovered that there was a river: the River Anton.

The elemental had led me to a river. But why? I knew that I needed to connect with the river and that it had something to do with the tree, so I found a place where I could connect, not knowing exactly what was required of me. I faced the river, looking over the boundary hedge, and felt a cord move from my centre and into the water. My rational mind thought it was to draw the water’s essence in through the tube and into my body (which has happened many times) but instead, the tube went into the river-bed, and extracted something from the sandy floor beneath the water. It went down about two meters.

Next, I saw the elemental woman again, and part of the tube that was in my centre (Tan Tien) was now a three-pin plug. She beckoned me to follow her again and so I powered back up the hill until I came to the beech tree. Once again, I put my hand on the bark, thinking I had to plug the tube into the tree roots.

But nothing happened.

I remained standing and then saw the elemental woman move into my energy field, unplug the plug, and plug it beneath the roots. This was obviously not a job I could do, but her job! I could be a conduit, but she had the right energy to do the rest.

Once the job was complete, gave me a gift of a beech nut, placing it where the plug had been then she moved up into the branches again, waving in gratitude, happy that her tree had received whatever energy infusion it needed.

I think this might be the first time I have ever worked with an elemental of a tree that wasn’t a dryad, although I did once channel a story about a tree elemental who had to find another tree to live in because men were coming to cut his tree down to make way for a road…

Marko Pogacnik talks about the elementals of plants and trees in his book ‘Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings’. In it, he describes how he once did an elemental rescue for a woman in Ljubljana, who was concerned about a very old Linden tree that her family wanted to cut down. On a return visit, he saw that the tree had been pollarded and the tree’s energy was unable to spread out into the branches as it should have done and the faun was struggling to manage it. Marko was able to find another Linden tree to transplant the faun into.

I had been wondering about this as I had only ever worked with Dryads, not with elemental beings who lived in and around trees, but after this experience, I understood a little more. My guides will always give me an experience of something so I understand it, especially if it is to show me something that is the truth.

This lovely elemental spirit was so subtle that I often found myself doubting her existence. At other times when I have seen nature elementals, they have been very clear. But this one was as light as air, nearly invisible, yet her energy was wonderfully joyful and trusting. She could see that I could do exactly what she needed and she did not have any doubt in me at all… even though I was a human.

Another well-learned lesson.


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The Practice of Circumambulating.

When I first began doing earthwork, I started working with Bronze Age burial mounds, also known as round barrows. I did not know then that it was the beginning of a remembering of ancient energy traditions that would take the rest of my life to learn. Every experience taught me something – it still does – but at that time it was new to me.

One of the things I found myself regularly doing, was circumambulation. That is: walking in a circle with sacred intention. My first experience was in the woods by the side of the road at Farley mount. Just inside the tree boundary is a large barrow with a couple of lovely Beech trees growing on top of it. I already had an interest in prehistory because I had been doing a degree in Practical Archaeology and loved reading the landscape, discovering ancient sites, and learning to see the world as the ancestors saw it.

Standing beside the barrow, I felt a strong impulse to walk around it three times anticlockwise, so I followed the impulse. Then, I stood on the Barrow and saw, with my inner sight, or higher sense perception, that it was built on top of a cross-over of two energy lines, except that it was no longer aligned properly. Over time, the earth’s magnetic field had shifted and so the lines were no longer in sync with that field. My job was to adjust them so they could do what they were designed to do – whatever that was. Through the power of my intention, and following instructions from ‘upstairs’, I mentally allowed the lines to vibrationally upgrade. I have no idea how that happened, it just did. Often I didn’t know why things happened but I learned to simply watch what my internal self was doing. (Round barrows are often built on energy lines and the people buried or cremated there act as energy guardians, as though part of their energy remained after death to take care of the place. You will find, if you are tuned in, that they will communicate with you so that you can carry out the work together, although this doesn’t always happen).

I remember the first time I got an inkling about some of the need for this anticlockwise walking. I had gone to two Bronze Age burial mounds that were beside each other, on Cheesefoot head, in Hampshire. At that time, twenty years ago, they were at the edge of a ploughed field and close to an ancient trackway that ran over the downs and into Winchester.

Standing at the barrows, I felt the impulse to walk around the first one three times anti-clockwise. But as I finished the final circuit, I was told to continue walking around the other one but in the opposite direction, sunwise, and this time to walk four times not three. There was a meaning to this. 3 +4 felt like feminine and masculine energies and they were joined in a figure of eight; the lemniscate, an energy I now associate with life-force, or dragon, energy.

As I walked around the twin mounds, I imagined the farmer and how annoyed he’d be that I was on his land. In my imaginary conversation with him, as he strode purposefully towards me, intent on telling me off, I joyfully informed him that I might be trespassing but at least his land would now be more fertile.

Ah, that was what I was doing! Although, I didn’t exactly know how. (At a recent visit to those barrows the field is now grassland and the barrows over-grown with vegetation and young trees. They are surrounded by a fence which gives them protection. No chance of them being ploughed out now).

After that, nearly every time I worked at a site, I had to walk around it first. I was usually told how many times to walk around, which at a large site took some time! Most times it is either one, or three times, depending on what work needs to be done. If it is simply to access the site, it is once, but if more energetic work is to be carried out, it is three times. The deeper into the energy layers you need to be in the more times you walk around. It is not often that I am instructed to walk four times around a site. In fact, I think that barrow at Cheesefoot was the only time I had to do it.

I never really thought of this as anything other than an earthwork practice until I started to recognise it in other places. It was a common practice in Ireland, for instance, which I didn’t discover until I returned there for a year in 2006. Although I had grown up in Ireland, I hadn’t taken much notice of old traditions, except for the yearly Pattern in St. Mullins. A pattern (from the french Patron) is a holy day dedicated to the saint who established a settlement, or church, there. In St. Mullin’s there is a holy well where people would go to pray and collect the holy water, which was reputed to have healing powers. The tradition was to walk around the entire settlement sunwise, but this gradually changed so only the well was walked around, usually following the Stations of the Cross (not a great energy to be anchoring!). Sunwise follows the sun.

When you walk clockwise around a site, it opens the Solar energies, the energy of male power, but anti-clockwise, or widdershins, opens the feminine energies of a site. Moving in an anti-clockwise direction was believed to have been the wrong way, the way of witches. No surprise there, especially when you think how the church lost the connection to the Divine Feminine early on, and therefore any reminders of the power of women, or Goddess, were to be suppressed at all costs. She could only be a saint because saints devoted themselves to a male god, but she should never get too big for her boots. It was especially important NOT to walk anticlockwise around a church. God forbid (excuse the pun) that the Divine Feminine should have a part to play in people’s spiritual beliefs unless she was in a lesser position. Such was the fear of Divine female power.

Video by Turlough O’Brien

But it wasn’t always that way. In early Celtic Christianity, the feminine was acknowledged and venerated, but over the centuries the recognition of feminine spiritual power was slowly transformed and energies from the earth were seen as dangerous. Hell was down there, after all, where Satan lived, and women who worked with the earth were in league with him. We all know how that went. To the church, everything good came from God, in heaven. The female power of the earth, and its mysteries, was suppressed, and the rituals associated with her, demonised.

In 2006, we lived for a few months in a converted methodist church, around the corner from St. Fiacre’s church, near Borris. There was a spring out in the field by the church, which is now in ruins. Every year, the people from the local town of Graiguenamanagh, where I grew up, went to the well to take care of it, just as they did in St. Mullins. Part of the tradition was to walk clockwise around the well, seven times. (They still make the annual pilgrimage, which incidentally is close to Imbolc). This walking seven times around reminds me of Mecca. But there, the devoted walk around the Kaaba seven times in an anti-clockwise direction, thereby unwittingly keeping the Feminine energy of the site alive and well. (Unfortunately, it is still controlled by patriarchy, much like the RC Church). There is a spring in Mecca, the ZamZam well which, according to the story, Allah opened for the rejected slave girl, Hajar, so she could keep her baby son, Ishmael, alive. Ismael was the son of Abraham. In reality, just as the ancient springs in the British isles were associated with female guardians, the Well Maidens, in the pre-Islamic world Mecca was originally dedicated to three goddesses, Al-llat (the Goddess), consort of Al-Lah (the God); Al-Uzzah (the powerful; and Manat (Destiny). (Virgin, Mother and Crone?).

Walking anticlockwise is the way of the Goddess, the way of the Divine Feminine, and when you walk around a site anticlockwise you are opening to the wisdom of the land. But often, this opening is also an anchoring. When I was doing archaeology at a site in Wiltshire on an Iron Age Banjo enclosure, I discovered that the circular site, with its bank and ditch avenue, was fed with red energy that came from a larger site a few miles away. I walked in the circular ditch, through the tangle of trees, and as I did, I laid the red energy from Fosbury Hillfort, encircling the enclosure with life-giving red serpent energy. I did the same thing a couple of days ago, when I returned to the round barrow in Farley mount, the one I had begun with all those years ago, and I was ‘told’ to walk around the site three times. I did the rounds twice but before beginning the third circuit I stopped. The sun had come out and I felt an impulse to raise my energy to its light. As I did, I was instructed to continue the walk but as I did the solar energy was coming with me, as if the barrow had a ditch (many of them do) and I was filling it with liquid solar light. The circuit was complete when I reached the point I had started from. In this instance, the masculine energy of the sun was anchored around the site. Why? I don’t know, but it was like an activation, of sorts. A feeding.

Once the rounds were complete, I stood on the barrow. My crown centre opened and information, in the form of light, flooded into my head. It lasted for a minute or so and then all was finished. I did not know what this light was about until the following day, when my daughter came around for some healing, which turned into an initiation. The energies she needed were given to me on the barrow. Because she was being initiated into a deeper connection with the earth, the energy had to be given by the earth. Another new experience for me. And for her.

So, when you are at a sacred site, and you feel the impulse to walk around, follow it. You are opening the energy of the place and therefore will be able to access its wisdom, and gifts. Your service to the planet is to utilise these gifts and to reawaken the Divine Feminine. The trick is to trust yourself. Trust the impulse, because it arises from a deeper part of you that knows what it is doing.

If you find yourself at a site but you do not feel the impulse, don’t do anything. The sites are not always accessible or don’t need you to do anything. When they are active, you will know it. When they are not, you will know that too. Don’t do it because you ‘think’ you ought to. That is the mind interfering with your higher sense perception. Tune into the site, if you feel you need to, and ask. You will soon learn what a positive or negative answer feels like.

There is so much work to be done to bring back the Goddess consciousness, but it is always important to remember that it is to bring the balance of life back into consciousness. Not for one to overpower the other, which has happened far too many times. It is time for Love to balance Will.

The link below was written by my great Grand Uncle, John O’Leary, from Graiguenamanagh, where I grew up. If he was around now he would have been a great blogger. Here is also a link to a book my uncle Philip wrote about the O’Leary’s who were artists, writers and antiquarians.

Some more information on ‘doing the rounds’ in Ireland.

Video: Doing the rounds at a number of sacred wells.

For more on pre-Islamic religions.

A very interesting site on sunwise walking lore.

8 Number PNG Download Image

In the beginning…

I have worked, energetically, with stone circles for twenty years, but it was on a trip to the remains of a stone circle in Cumbria, deep in a forest plantation, that I was granted a wonderful insight into one way which our Bronze age ancestors used the circles.

From that experience, I understood that some circles were associated with maintaining fertility. They were used ritually at certain points of the year, (solstices, equinoxes, etc) and at that time priests, priestesses, and the entire community channelled the energy of the solar light into the circle to fertilise the wheat they had harvested the previous season, fertilising the waiting earth beneath; the masculine creative force of the sun, fertilising the female earth.

At the end of the Mesolithic period, ancient communities moved from hunting and gathering to growing and tending. Their focus was on the growing of food, therefore taking care of both the physical landscape and the energetic landscape meant they had a better chance of survival. Their awareness of the Oneness of life was a part of them. They did not simply live on the planet, separate to it as we do, but they understood they were an integral part of it.

But how did the Early Neolithic farmers begin to use stone to contain and hold the energies they built in the landscape? How did they learn that particular form of energy-work in the first place? I have found no evidence of fertility work of this nature in the earlier Mesolithic hunter-gatherers. It seemed to arrive with people who grew their food on a large scale and who needed specific energetic help to accomplish that.

Before agriculture, hunters worked shamanically to connect to the spirit of the animal they were about to hunt, communicating with it before the hunt and asking for, and acknowledging, the creature’s sacrifice to feed them. But, with the advent of agriculture, some of these practices changed. To the ancestor, everything was energy. Every living thing, including apparently inert objects, such as stone, soil, etc, had a spirit and therefore deserved respect and acknowledgement. (You only have to look at the current indigenous people of the world to see how our ancestors might have lived).

It has always been a mystery to me how practices changed, from hunting and gathering, to include the growing of crops. Once you begin to grow food, the process and focus changes. But when did they begin to associate stone circles with corn-energising rituals?

It was only while reading Home by Francis Pryor, that I found a possible answer. Francis had been working on a Neolithic causewayed enclosure site in Etton along with his wife. The enclosure was part of a complex of enclosures, like Salisbury Plain, and comprised a single circuit of interrupted ditches. They discovered, at the end of each ditch segment, objects which had been carefully placed there. The deposits in the segmented ditches were laid in layers, each protected by a birchbark mat, which would have been naturally waterproof. Intact pottery vessels, turned upside-down, skulls, and broken quern stones, for the grinding of grain into flour, were also placed in layers in the ditches.

Upright Saddle Quern Deposit.

According to Prior, the objects placed within the ditches were crafts traditionally carried out by women: pottery, weaving, bread-making, etc. That makes me wonder why they deposited these particular objects in the ditches? Was the site traditionally viewed as female? Just as with the Cumbrian circle? The female energy was believed to reside in the earth, so it makes sense that if they wanted to ensure the positive flow of energy into their own home and tribe they would make offerings of gratitude for the resources already received and the petition for that flow to continue for the coming year.

Quern stones at each side of causeway.

Within the henge, there were also multiple pits filled with ritual deposits, but the most striking thing for me was that in the ditches on either side of the causeways, quern stones had been placed on their sides, so that they stood upright. Stones were placed on either side of the causeway, of which there were possibly four, oriented North, South, East and West, although the South entrance was subsequently destroyed. The deposits seem to have been placed, on separate occasions, but in the same place each time, in layers, perhaps during large gatherings, and by kin groups. Each time they gathered, they carried out ceremonies and a new stone was placed there; again on its side so that it stood upright, but above the buried layer of the previous celebrations.

Grain was an important part of their survival and the excavators of Etton discovered evidence that “cereal crops were both grown and processed within the immediate vicinity, perhaps within the enclosure.”

Datchet causeway. Example of how ditches were spaced.

When I read this for the first time, it immediately reminded me of my visit to Cumbria. and the importance of the stone circle in charging the wheat for the following growing season. The deposition of saddle querns, upright in the ditches, signalled for me the mental leap made by the Neolithic communities from ritual deposits of stones for wheat-grinding to standing stones. Wheat was such an important part of their survival that it stood to reason that the objects associated with grain processing should be held in such sacred esteem. I imagine, through the deposition of these stones, each family was both manifesting their food for the coming year but also giving something back to the Mother, in gratitude for feeding them; for taking care of them. And, as the quote above suggests, if the site was used for the processing of wheat, then corn rituals might well have been carried out in the centre too, creating what later became, the stone circles.

Knowth Basin.

In Knowth, there is the huge concave stone in one of the recesses within the burial mound. Burial mounds represent the womb of the Mother. Knowth is part of the Newgrange complex, where the sun enters the chamber at Midwinter, to light up the darkness within. Again the solar rays fertilising the Mother. The large concave stone is like a huge ceremonial saddle quern and may well symbolise the fertilising of the grain. A gift to the mother and holder of the ashes of people who may have been the ones who carried out the sacred ceremonies.

The carving inside the stone is interesting too: To me, it looks like an energetic representation of the solar rays fertilising the seed within the womb of Mother Earth.

Knowth Inner carving.

Of course, it may have had multiple meanings. As modern humans, we see symbols as representing things we only have understanding of ‘in the present’. We see things one-dimensionally. Our ancestors may have had access to knowledge we can only imagine, or re-learn, as we work in the energetic landscapes of the Mother.

The positioning of the saddle querns in the site in Etton also made me think of Mecca, where before Islam, tribal communities gathered there yearly. Each tribe had its own stone statue representing the energy of their tribe, their over-ruling deity, part of a circle of stones around the sacred site. Only with the coming of Islam was this practice destroyed and now only the ruling family have their ‘stone’, contained in the Kaaba. (Mecca had been a sacred site for many centuries, sacred to a triple goddess. One of these goddesses, Al-Uzzah, was a grain goddess).

Old Mecca.

As I was writing this, I found this very interesting article: The article states: The research into the Ring of Brodgar also showed that each stone comes from a different part of the Orkney Islands. Apparently, each of the diverse groups of people brought its own stone and placed it in the monument. Remarkably, Professor Bayliss’ research also found evidence that people travelled to the Orkneys from as far away as Belgium. This fits very well with the idea of family groups/tribes having their quernstone in the circle.

Many ancient Mother/Goddess sites were symbolic womb; places where, at certain times of the year, the energies of fertility were strongest. The midwinter ritual of the sun piercing the darkest recesses of burial mounds, and temples, were fertility processes: the male sun sending his fertilising principle into the dark womb of the Mother to activate the egg waiting there. These were no empty rituals, however. Our ancestors understood the active energies that revitalised the energy lines in the earth, that brought new vitality after the dark of winter, warming the earth; bringing new growth. Where energy flows, so too does life.

There are naturally powerful places on earth where the energy is palpable, such as volcanos, places where crystals have formed, and deep underground caves. Places too where elemental energies are strong: rivers, lakes, mountains, and forests. But energy is also built through ritual and intention. I have never been a ‘ritual’ worker. I never really understood the purpose of ritual except as a focus for creating and for intention. But, I recently had an experience in a Cathedral Church in Arundel where I saw the result of ritual actions on the energy of a place over time.

We were working on making a triangular connection between the sea and the river Arun. I wasn’t sure where this connection was supposed to be anchored but we went into the cathedral, just in case. I had been given water energy by a wonderfully loving sea elemental on Littlehampton beach and although I knew I had to put it somewhere; I didn’t know where, until it happened. As I approached the altar, which was built on top of an ancient spring, I saw the blue column of light behind it, which had been built up over the years by the priests doing the bread and wine ritual. This was a surprise to me. The energy had built up over so many years and had created a healing channel in the cathedral. This is also where the water energy gift was anchored, which was also a huge surprise. (One of the important things to remember when doing energywork is that religious belief plays no part. It is the positive intentions to help humanity which are important. Although saying that, the ancientness of the catholic ritual contains an energy that I have not found in other, more modern religious rituals).

But this ritual also involves the energising of bread, just as the ancient ritual in the stone circle Cumbria showed. (I think the energising of the wine might have been Roman in origin and added later as patriarchal religions became more prominent. The wine is energised from ‘above’ whereas the bread should be energised by the mother-energy ‘below’).

So that brings us back to the quernstones. We know that causewayed enclosures were the forerunners of stone circles so if the quernstones were placed as sacred objects and connected to a particular kin-group, (as in old Mecca, and Orkney), then it is not such a stretch to see that the later ‘standing stones’/quernstones in a circle came to represent each kin-family’s offerings to the Mother Goddess. The rituals building up over time gave these places their sanctity but there may well have been an extant ‘energy’ that told them where to build these sites in the first place.

The alignments of the main causeways appear to be directional, and the east/west entrances align with the sun. (We have often found main energylines crossing over in these sites, although not necessarily NSEW aligned). The astrological alignment aspects of stone circles might have come into play as a way for them to be sure about the timing of important events. I’m sure the simple beginning of the ritual circles became more complicated over time.

A very good book which explains how Glastonbury abbey was created is: The Gate of Remembrance by Frederick Bligh Bond, F.R.I.B.A. It is a book about the discovery of The Edgar Chapel through automatic writing and gives very interesting energetic information on how a sacred site is created.

Here are some more links for information.

Green Dragons from the River Test.

Around fifteen years ago, we visited Ashe church, near Overton, in Hampshire, looking for the source of the River Test. We were doing it out of interest, rather than anything else, because at that time, I was studying archaeology and interested in the little Saxon church there.

Source of the River Test.

Nothing much happened on the first visit, because the source of the river rose on land that was not public, so we could only see it from a distance. On a subsequent visit, however, we met the owner, and he gave us permission to go through his field so we could be beside it.

Sitting on the island of vegetation in the middle of a little lake created by the spring, there was a large green dragon. We were both aware of it, my friend Chris and I, but it wasn’t there alone. Its babies surrounded it; little green dragonlets playing on the island.

St. Nectan’s Waterfall.

We had never seen dragon-babies before and had no idea what they were meant to represent. We had, however, met with the green-dragon-energies before on our travels, in St. Nectan’s waterfall, where the water gushes through a slate hole, carved out by the waters of the river Trevillet. The Trevillet rises as a spring not so far away from the site, and its influence stretches from its source to the sea, where Tintagel Castle stands. It travels via the river, until it pours through the slate hole at St. Nectan’s, and then moves overland to the castle. Its tail is at the source of the river; its head at the castle.

(After first connecting to the Dragon energies here, we found a little book about it! Energies come through the subconscious, so this author was aware, without realising it perhaps, of its energy).

You can buy this online.

So, here we were, looking at a mother dragon, and her little ones, with no idea what to do next. We didn’t know what they were for, either. Although we knew they were associated with springs, we knew nothing more. We left, still none the wiser, and returned to Winchester where we visited the three sarsen stones in the Abbey Grounds, near King Alfred’s statue. While I was walking across the grass, I noticed a green baby dragon hanging onto my calf, like a toddler. This was so ridiculous I was afraid to say it out loud, so I kept it to myself. It was too much like a children’s story but, of course, it really only meant that I had somehow carried a portion of this green dragon energy with me when I left the Test spring.

Three sarsen stones, Abbey Gardens. Winchester.

Our minds create images of energies we can accept, on some level, otherwise, they are nebulous and we do not understand their purpose or function. The unconscious knows how we process information, and how we learn about symbols, so it presents information in a way that makes sense.

But I was keeping my mouth shut, anyway.

Back in the Abbey gardens, with a baby dragon hanging out of me, I got the feeling that we needed to go to the Cathedral, and as soon as we set foot in the door, the baby let go of my leg and leapt up the stonework of the building to the roof, where it remained. I still didn’t understand why it was there and wondered if it had anything to do with the blue energy-line that runs beneath the Cathedral. Only on later visits did I understand more.

After I left the dragon baby at the Cathedral, ‘they’ then instructed me to visit the Bishop’s Place, which was close by. Another baby dragon energy left my leg and flew to the top of one wall, where it too remained.

Bishop’s Palace, Winchester.

I never told anyone, except Eartha (who knows about this stuff), and Chris, until two friends, visiting the Cathedral, and palace, separately, and on separate occasions, told me they had seen a young green dragon-energy flying around the ceiling of the Cathedral and around the inside of the bishop’s palace! They had grown since I had left them there, and now that they had seen them too, I didn’t feel so crazy and could share how they got there.

Over the years, the dragons have grown, and other people have reported back to me about their presence. It is always such good confirmation and worth not telling anyone until getting that. When other people see what you see, you realise you are perfectly sane and rational, no matter how things appear to the contrary.

As my guides say: “Green dragon energy creates an environment of growth and potential. Where the spring rises, there is the promise of life.” Pretty succinct and pretty clear. Because this is dragon energy, which is elemental, that new life comes as vegetation; the food which feeds us, and all creatures that exist on the planet, including the planet herself.

Those two green dragons were anchored there nearly fifteen years ago, and we have watched them grow since then. However, we were not prepared for our last visit there, the day after Queen Elizabeth died.

My friend, Chris, and I were walking towards the Cathedral after a brief pitstop in Chococo’s to get a hot chocolate, and as we reached the graveyard, I became aware of a huge energy surrounding the building. It felt elemental but as we got nearer; I saw that the green dragon energy that we had planted there had now grown to encompass the entire cathedral. The physical Cathedral was now inside the dragon energy, and not vice versa.  

Winchester cathedral Dragon Energy.

We went into the building and walked along the central aisle to the centre point (there are three points along the aisle: the Head, Heart and Hara centre). As we proceeded, we were aware that we were inside the dragon’s body. I was instructed to stand on the Hara point, which in the physical body, equates to the centre behind your navel. This point connected to the Hara line of the Dragon’s body too. I felt the connection, but nothing else happened, so we pottered off to the little prayer chapel. I wanted to go to the main altar but the back of the cathedral was cut off to visitors.

After pottering around, I felt drawn back to the dragon-centre point again and this time, as I took my place there, a green column from the dragon’s Hara-centre, descended around me. When it reached the floor, it filled up with the green of the dragon’s energy, like green fluid, filling all the way up. When it was filled, ivy began to grow at my feet, spiralling upward, around the green column until it reached the point where the column emerged from the dragon’s body. There was a feeling of something being reciprocated here, but I didn’t understand what that might be. It could be because we had anchored this dragon here in the first place and I was being given this gift of ‘greenness’ in return. I don’t know. There are many gifts we are given in return for our service and this was one of them, and although I do not know what it is for, I’m sure I’ll soon find out.

So, if you are visiting Winchester Cathedral, tune into the green dragon there, and see what happens. You might be surprised, and she might have something for you to do too.

White Dragon/Serpent Key.

11 June 2009.

This is an old diary entry, which I thought might be an interesting view into how I received one of the Gaia Method Earthways Symbols. I received most of the symbols this way, always in nature, and this barrow is one I return to again and again. I always receive something new from the Guardian there.

I went up to Micheldever woods with May, my first grandchild, and one of my daughters, Hana. It was a lovely walk, and we went through the Iron-Age Banjo enclosure, in Itchen woods, and then the ‘King’s’ barrow, followed by a walk to the ‘Queen’s’ barrow, which lies some distance away. I didn’t think we could negotiate the buggy through the woods, but we managed!

As we stood on the Queen’s barrow, which is what we call it, the energy felt exhilarating. The wind blew up, and it was like we were in a thunderstorm. Elemental energy is often experienced this way and it is the way the elemental energies indicate their presence.

Beneath the barrow, I began to ‘see’ a pink crystal, and a blue one. Hana took May to the buggy to give her a snack, so I could tune in properly. I had not expected to be doing this today; we’d only come for a walk but as I stood there, I saw the blue crystal clearly. The energy of the lady guardian of the barrow permeated my energy-field. When this happens, it is as if their energy is my energy; I feel like her, much the same as when mediums feel the energy of the person who is coming through them.

Looking down at my feet, I became aware that I was wearing a long white dress that spread out all around me and covered the barrow in white, fabric folds, like satin. I held a key in my right hand. A keyhole appeared in the blue crystal as it hovered within the barrow and I inserted the key into the keyhole. When it opened, it had become a bejewelled chest. The chest lid opened and inside was yet another key. This new key had a green lustre. For a couple of minutes, I received no further information so I asked what this key was for. The information floated into my head. I was told that it was a Gaia Method Earthways key. I waited for the energy of the key to show itself but it took some time. A white vortex began to form around me, and I understood the symbol was the vortex.

This white vortex began to transform into a sparkly white dragon. That was the name of the key: The White Dragon Key. I asked what this symbol did as it obviously whirled around the energy field. I was told that it raised the vibration of the field to a higher level, the level of the realm of ideas. All the ideas that ever were and ever will be are contained in this layer and with this symbol, you can access them. The layer seems to be full of as-yet-unmanifested potentials.

I felt strongly, that in return for this gift, I wanted to give something back to the site, so I asked what I could give. I saw the Venus mirror symbol, with the mirror turning and flashing in the sun as it rotated. It was as though it was sending light information through the air to other sites but what this information might be, I wasn’t sure. Then I saw the symbol anchoring about 30 cm in the earth. Where it anchored, ruby Venus energy spread like tree roots beneath the barrow. The mirror flashed again, as though it was signalling other sites which expressed the Venus energy, like a ruby Morse code.

At one point I saw an opening in the earth being opened by many hands. It was like the Sheila na gig opening in spring except that this time there was an ancient burial of a woman inside it. She was so ancient she looked mummified. The guardian of the burial showed me a ring the dead woman wore on her left-hand ring finger. She said she wished to give me this ring, if I would accept it. I asked her what it was for and she said it would help me move forward when things were slow. It would help me get to where I needed to, both vibrationally, and physically. I thought about that and decided it was a good thing to have, so I accepted. The guardian took the ring from the ancient lady, who reminded me of Hatshepsut, and placed the ring on my finger. The Lady in the Barrow was the Guardian, her energy still very present, that was the reason for her burial there.

When the energy returned to normal, I relayed what had happened to Hana. She was thrilled because, as she had been looking after May, she too had seen the white vortex and had seen herself standing at the edge of a white energy-field.

It’s always good to receive confirmation.

I have to say the elemental energy of the barrow was wonderful. Even May was squealing with excitement, watching the trees blowing in the wind.

The Dragon of Burley.

A few weeks ago, we went to the New Forest to visit an Iron Age hillfort called Castle Hill, near Burley. I was reading The Forest by Edward Rutherfurd and he mentioned a myth about a dragon there. As I have often found, where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire. Myths are great for finding sites associated with dragons because ancient cultural beliefs remain in the collective unconscious of the area.

The Oak Mother Tree.

Once we climbed to the hillfort, not realising until we were inside that there was a road which would have given us direct access, we found a beautiful old oak tree. It felt like a Mother Tree, and it stood at the western entrance. We were told to make an essence in this old tree, which was a combination of her ancient stability and wisdom, and the white dragon energies that protected the site.

The white dragon, which looked very ‘fleshy’, more like a Chinese dragon, had long serpent-like tendrils hanging down from beside its nostrils and it stood at the entrance, facing outwards, acting as protector of the hillfort. On the other side of the hillfort, at the other entrance, I could see another one, looking out towards Lymington. They instructed me to walk sunwise around the inside of the fort and to connect the dragons to each other via a white light ring. In my mind’s eye, it reminded me of that old toothpaste advert, with its ring of confidence. White with a blue tinge.

Chinese White Dragon.

As we walked in a circle around the inside of the fort, we continued to tune into the energies of the site. We were told that this place was a place of safety during times of invasion from people outside. When outlying villages were attacked, the people who lived outside would come to be fed and protected. It felt like it was during a time when there was much instability and villages were routinely robbed and destroyed.

Dragon priests, able to communicate with the elemental energies of the place, were given forewarning that an attack was imminent, and they informed the villagers, who trusted them completely. They then left their homesteads and came to the safety of the fort, often returning later to burned homes and destroyed livelihoods.

Rain-filled gravel pit on top of the hill.

Part of the energies of these dragons was that the protection they offered was an energetic force-field that only allowed in energies in that resonated with them. The priests of the place held that energy. If others came with bad intention, they were denied access. It was as if they would feel repelled by the place. Perhaps a fear set in, or a superstition triggered. Something always kept them out. I have found this before at particularly elemental sites. An energy-field that you could only access if you saw beyond the glamour surrounded them. They were invisible to most people. The ‘glamour’ came in the form of fear. For no reason that you could see, you would suddenly become afraid, seeing darkness all around you. Only if you could see the fear for what it was could you access the wisdom and knowledge of the elementals who inhabited the place.

The white dragons fulfilled the same purpose in Castle Hill hillfort.

Essence being made.

As we made the white dragon essence at the Mother Tree, I became aware of a blue dragon energy moving in a line behind me. I was facing the centre of the fort, and the line, which looked like a blue serpent energy, entered the back of my Hara and rose out of my crown, then travelled down through my feet. I had the strongest feeling we needed to go to wherever this blue dragon line was coming from. This turned out to be the Avon River at Ringwood.

We drove to Ringwood and brought this new essence to the river, following our intuition to where the river by a lovely green area called Jubilee park. As I poured some of the tree essence into the river, I heard myself say: ‘A gift from the Mother’.

The Avon in Ringwood.

Next, I filled a bottle with water from the river to take back to the fort. I was told it was ‘the gift of water’. And I was aware of how privileged we were to have water. Some places don’t have any! The feeling was that water was a gift and one we could not live without. There were so many places that did not have water, such as in desert environments and places where humans have polluted the seas and rivers and groundwater. We do not recognise what a gift we have. What I loved about this exchange of gifts was that they were given freely, in recognition of the importance of both places.

This was also my cue to stop complaining about the extremely wet winter we have had all winter! I had become so tired of my back garden quagmire, which my hens had created, and I’d thought the rain would never stop.

Before we left the little park, I had a desire to stand on the bridge over the river. Looking across the sparkling waters, the view was beautiful! There was a glorious feminine energy presiding over this fast-flowing river, and she told me she would like to add to the essence, which now contained oak, dragon, and water energy. She put a fish into it, just like at the Itchen last year. The fish is masculine energy, but still hers.

A Gift of Water Fertility.

We drove back to the hillfort and brought the water to the tree. There, I had to walk it anti-clockwise in a circle around the tree, pouring some of it on the ground as I walked. Chris did one half, and I did the other, like a yin/yang.

It felt like we had completed another circuit.

The following week we went to Lymington. Such a lovely town, with its old fishing alleys and small slipway. Now it is a marina! We walked as far down to the sea as we could and stood beside another slipway from where I could see the opposite shore. I never know what to expect when I reach a place and this time they did not expect me to do any work. Instead, I felt an energetic aura of water emerge from the sea and surround me, as if I was carrying a bubble. This was to be brought back to Castle Hill!

View From Lymington Marina.

We drove into the hillfort this time and wandered down to the oak tree at the entrance. Standing beneath its branches, I felt the bubble of water that undulated around me suddenly flop down onto the ground, seeping into the soil in a cascade of blue.

That was all I needed to do, I thought, until I saw a large white dragon’s egg appear beneath the tree. We were instructed to stand within this egg and were told that this was an initiation into the protective guardian energies of the White dragon. We could transfer this protection to people who would be the guardians of a sacred place. We could also place it around a home if that place was going to be a sanctuary or healing space.

Both water lines anchored.

After this gift, the work was complete, so we explored the rest of the hillfort. There are old gravel pits there now, filled with rainwater and as I stood looking into one, I felt an impulse to throw a little gold ring in. It was a tiny ring I had found walking up a road around Winchester and which only fit on the first joint of my little finger. It had originally been on something, like the rim of a bottle, but I knew, when I found it, that it was destined for someplace else, so I had worn it with that in mind. I have very little jewellery left at this stage, as so much of it has ended up in pools or rivers. A gift for a gift – or a symbolic sacrifice, a letting go of attachment. Plus, the metal can work as a physical anchor for activated energies.

It makes me wonder, though, what the purpose for all those iron-age swords and gold found in rivers and bog pools was.

Perhaps those ancient people also exchanged gifts with the spirit of special places and energies…

Imbolc Celebrations.

Today is St. Brigit’s day, in the Christian tradition, or Imbolc in the Celtic. She was originally a pre-Celtic goddess, of fire, of healing and of fertility.

As the dark winter days brighten and lengthen, fresh shoots appear. Snowdrops give colour to muddy ground and sparse grass. Bluebell spears emerge from cold soil and energy grows. This is the time when the fertility of the land awakens. The sun’s energy is drawn, deep into the earth, to warm the sleeping seeds and bulbs, to fertilise the land itself with its life-giving rays.

The ancestors celebrated this process. Every few years, in settlements, such as at Danebury, in Hampshire, or Fosbury, in Wiltshire – embodiments of the Mother’s womb – , a priestess would stand on the highest point of the settlement, the belly of the Mother, and bring down, through her body, the solar energy, channelling it into the waiting womb of the earth. The Sheelagh Na Gig, the Crone of Winter, became youthful Virgin once more.  

These ‘Mother’ sites were part of a vast network of energies, through which the fertilising light of the sun travelled, even before its physical warmth could be felt. Once the symbolic egg had been made fertile, this energy fed many smaller settlements, some as small as single farmsteads, but all radiating the light into the soil, into the trees, into the hearts and minds of the people.

Giant Sheelagh Na Gig. Danebury Hillfort. Hampshire.

The serpent will come from the hole
On the brown Day of Bríde,
Though there should be three feet of snow
On the flat surface of the ground

One tradition on Brigit’s day was to clean the home, to sweep out the energy of the past and to welcome in the new energy that would bring newness and fertility to its inhabitants. It was all done with intent. The past year was gone, and a new one begins. Clear out old dreams; dream new ones.

This is the time when new pathways are forged and plans for the coming year can be put in motion.

There are many well-known traditions, and all accessible on the internet if you search. The most important aspect, in terms of energywork is the solar fertilising of the earth and the lighting/maintenance of the Flames.

As a planetary healer, part of your work is to maintain these energetic flames. Planting one in your home, if it is connected to this energetic grid, keeps the energy flowing. I have one in my home and have anchored them in the homes of my daughters and friends – other Gaia Method Earthways healers – when I am impulsed to do so. For two weeks before today, the energies rise and the flames are tended. Sometimes, they change colour, sometimes other energies are added. I can see them changing, in colour and number, sometimes becoming three, sometimes reverting to one. Each flame is a frequency of creation, a creative fire that inspires and keeps abundance flowing.

There are ‘Keepers of the Flame’ all over the world, carrying out these ancient tasks, and there have been for millennia. Now we are re-learning their ways so that the earth can be fruitful and abundant. We can change our old ways and learn how to live in communion with the Mother. Learn to channel the light into her pathways once more.

St. Catherine’s Hillfort, here in Winchester — the view from my house — has a flame. This year it has become a white flame, rising from the hilltop into the sky, spreading a disc of silver around the surrounding landscape; the abundance of the Mother. A necessary thing, in these times of fear and confusion. The White feels pure, and light, bringing awareness and a feeling of spiritual power. The power of Light, not might.

St. Catherine’s Hill, Winchester.

The more we work with the ancient energies and ways of life, the better will be both our lives and those of others around us.

In searching for fertility sites, look for the signs, both through intuition and physical evidence. Where the stone-carved Sheelagh na Gig’s are, nearby you will find a site, waiting to be reawakened. Early Christian churches often use them, as they signified a place where the energy of Imbolc was activated, albeit in a different form. There are places all over the British Isles, and Ireland, that hold these energies. All it needs is for you to find them.

“Now is the time to tend the fires. To create anew your dreams for the future. Go into the landscape. Connect to the Mother, Brigit, Goddess of life, and bring fertility and life back into your lives.”

Energetic development of a Stone Circle.

Sacred sites have very humble beginnings, often as far back as the Mesolithic. From small henges to settled sites, hillforts, henges and stone circles, they all have one thing in common: they were created to bring fertility to the land so that those who lived on it, could thrive. 

     Banjo Enclosure.

In much the same way as current practices of prayer and ceremony create energy where they are held, the energies of ancient ritual would also have built over time, allowing the energy to grow steadily and to expand. The people who worked them chose sites that we now call Chakra sites; points where the energy of the Universe, the sun, moon and stars, could enter, and feed, the body of the Mother/Earth. These points are still intuitively found, and I imagine that the ancient peoples coming back into Britain after the Ice Age would have discovered these sites easily and known what they were.

Food would have been a primary concern and so working with the forces of creation: water, sun, light etc., would have been their main focus. They were moving from a hunter-gatherer nomadic culture to a settled, agricultural culture and bringing their knowledge with them. The landscape was very different then. The last vestiges of the ice had pulled back, the landscape regrown, and it must have been a very fertile time. But, as nomads, they must have needed to know where these sites were,  earmarking them for future habitation. They would have returned to these sites, year after year, their connection to the forces of nature petitioned, just as we pray/manifest now. Although the predominant energy I have always picked up at these places has been one of gratitude. They honoured the land. They honoured what it gave them. They took nothing for granted. And it is this energy that is readily available at working and active sites.

Over time, the energies they built expanded into the surrounding landscape and were eventually joined to other sites. A uniting of the tribes.  Then new cultures came in, adding their knowledge and life evolved.

Henges and Stone circles. 

Henges are circular banked enclosures with a focus on yearly celebrations and fertility rituals. These eventually evolved to become stone circles, often built on underground sources of water, or as a focus for solar rituals


Danebury Hillfort.

Hillforts, before they became fortified settlements, were large fertility sites and would have housed an entire village. Their focus too was on grain, both growing and storing. They were experienced as sites of the Great Mother, and until the horse people came from the Steppes, were places of abundance and safety. Nearly every hillfort we have visited had an earlier Bronze Age settlement site beneath it which was enlarged over time, so these sites were ancient, even to the people who lived there. 

Banjo Enclosures.

Often energetically connected to Hillforts are the smaller Banjo enclosures. These are small farms, but with a focus on energy and of ‘holding’ sacred energies. A small group of people worked these farms, either a family or a small tribal group. Some are quite large, but not as large as the bigger hillforts.

Burial Mounds.

Burial mounds come in different sizes, and designs, but so far, we have found that every one of them is a place of ceremony and sacredness, often built on and marking a ‘point’ in the sacred landscape, such as a cross-over of energy lines kept alive by the rituals carried out there.

All of these places are places where you can contact both the energy of the people who created them, and where you can connect with the knowledge held in them. The information is held as a template, each one layered on top of another, like a stacks of CDs, and is layered over time, changing the atmosphere around them. The knowledge is both a historical record and a record of the energies they guard. These records are designed to re-balance and nurture the landscape, influencing future generations of people.

Everything of a sacred nature, buildings, stone circles, burials mounds, etc, has an energetic blueprint, a plan of its energies and intention. It starts out as a point in time and space and gradually evolves into a large site of power and connection. Much like Christian sacred sites grow from their humble wooden chapels to become great edifices of stone. The place begins as a thoughtform, created by those who hold it sacred, and eventually that energy becomes physicalised by successive generations as they follow the intuitive promptings of the previously anchored energies.

Some sites are destined to remain small, and unobtrusive, while others become huge, affecting whole areas of the landscape. But all are connected, and all are part of an overall Motherboard, ensuring the fertility of the land and the balance of nature.

At specific points of high energy in the cycle of the year, often marked by astrological observations, the sites were collectively energised, thereby reinforcing the original intention for the site: to ensure the people’s survival. The planet’s energy body needs to be kept flowing and healthy, and both sacred ceremony and intention, through collective imagining does that. A healthy energy body is a healthy body and the ancestors knew that well.

The earth was perceived to be a Mother, a giver of abundance and in those terms, each site had its own particular function in the landscape. Some sites were celebrated in Spring, when the sun energises the seeds and makes the Winter Goddess, young again.

Other sites, such as Uffington, celebrated the Mayday energies, a time for human fertility, ensuring a good harvest; ‘Mother’ sites, such as Fosbury Hillfort, the Itchen Banjo and Danebury, etc., hold the energies of the Fecund Mother, holding her human children in her sacred womb.

Other sites, Long Barrows, celebrate the ancestors and the journey into the void, the Crone. Returning to the void of creation. They are the burial place of the sacred families, whose bones anchor the energies of death and rebirth.

Every site has its function and celebrations, not one of empty ritual, but that of energy-work, renewing the land for the future stability of the tribes.

Other energy points were created and ‘held’ by a person who, in life, had been a wielder of Spiritual power. That power was in her bones, in her physical body, and it was this energy that was placed in sacred burial places or Barrow burials. As long as the barrow and its inhabitant were honoured the energy flowed. Barrows too were part of the overall blueprint, each barrow fulfilling its own function and guarded by the energy of the person buried inside it. 

You can also see this belief in early Christianity as ‘relics’. The bones, or possessions of the ‘Saint’ still hold its original owner’s saintly energy. Every church or chapel had its own relics, even if, in later years, they were not actually the real saint’s bones, but people still believed in them.

Some sites were destined to be lived in, to be holders of sacred life, but others, such as stone circles, were designed to be places of power, ritual and creation. The circles were gateways, allowing energy to flow in or flow out, places considered to be the Divine Womb, where the sun fertilised the seeds of the Mother.

They had other uses too, of course, but in terms of energy work in the landscape, I am focusing on this purpose. Circles like Avebury were used as a clearer of local energies. They acted like giant demanifesters, clearing old energies and allowing them to be renewed. Energies, thoughtforms no longer valid, negative human emotions, are all pulled into the void to be transformed and birthed anew. A good place for ‘letting go’ if you tune into that aspect of the circle. It makes me think of giant snakes eating and destroying, with its body, the negative or outmoded creations of others.

Avebury started life in much the same way as other sacred circles: as a home, a simple wooden structure. Perhaps the person who inhabited the house created the initial energies which ultimately, over hundreds of years, became the Avebury Complex. This is how many of them began. The person creates the necessary thoughtforms, anchors the layers of energy over years, and the people who come after him or her, continue the creation of the anchored blueprint. Even today, this is how sites evolve. You only have to look at how Findhorn began, to get an idea of what I mean. Who knows what Findhorn will become in a few hundred years.

So you see how these massive complexes can have had very humble beginnings. A small family of people who have brought their sacred knowldege with them and who anchor the foundations of very important sites for generations of people into the future. Thousands of years later, and we are learning how to access this energy and renew the sacred work that our ancestors did. Bringing back the balance, anchoring the new seed ideas and changing our ways of life so that future generations can survive and thrive.

This is a very brief explanation, as there are probably books worth of information needed to explain all of this, but I hope it gives you a flavour of how sites began, so that when you tune into one, you carry this knowledge with you.

The Dragon Energies Simplified.

This is what my guides have to say about the true nature of Dragon energy:

“The dragons exist as concepts designed to help humanity at this stage of their development. As concepts, they have existed in many forms and in other stages of development, they have existed as other forms. Not all stages require the same conceptual imagery.

Because of the over-materialising of modern living, there is a great need to return to the natural world. The separation between Man and Earth is growing and there is a need for people to ‘come back to the Earth’. This is where the dragons come in. In order to ‘come back to the Earth’, new thoughtforms have to be created whereby people are impulsed to return to previously known energies, and ways of living.

Dragons are the energy of ‘thought-in-motion’. They act through channels of reality, and action. Working with the dragons in this way, keeps the energy grounded and real, otherwise they spiral into fantasy, where no work can be done, for although fantasy has its uses, it is often ungrounded and unrealistic..

Water Dragon.

“Dragons are the guardians of the underworld, both that of the Earth realm and that of the realm of human consciousness. When you awaken the sleeping dragon, you are initiating a course of action within the mind of humanity, which will change the thinking of everyone on the Earth plane. For this reason, only certain people are ‘qualified’ to work with the dragons, as they have built up, over many incarnations, the ability to work with the human mind. Their thinking is focused, and direct, and they are capable of deep contemplation, plumbing their own depths and that of humanity. The dragon represents all that is mighty and powerful within the forces of creation. In awakening this dragon you also awaken man’s ability to create heaven on earth. Only in using power with wisdom can true magic be affected.”

For more on Dragons click here.

When I received this info, it made perfect sense to me. It is important to remain grounded, even when what we see, feel and experience sounds like fantasy to others. The dragon energies are symbolic of very real forces: emotional, mental, energetic, and even physical. They are what keep us alive and connected to the world around us. They are conceptual images of all aspects of nature and exist in a layer of consciousness that is more elemental than physical, influencing our thoughts and emotions so that we feel more connected to the natural world. All physical manifestation has its energetic counterpart and the dragons are part of that energetic counterpart.

Although they are the forces that work with us, closer to the physical world than other energies, They work through us, not separately from us. They join their energetic consciousnesses to ours so that we can work in partnership. Their body becomes our body, or at least a facet of it. We embody them when we are initiated into their sphere. Our energies merge to become one and yet we can still separate our thinking from theirs so that our human mind can do all it needs to do when living in the human world. But, when they need us to be in their energy they will make themselves known and then they show us what to do on their behalf.

Remember that what happens on a Dragon level, impacts us on a physical-reality level. This can be through our emotions, our creativity, our minds or our physical bodies. We are channelling dragon power through our physical bodies.

Below, I will explain what I have learned, so far, about working with these energies. And if you are interested in learning how to work with the different dragon energies, click here.

As Gaia Method workers, we learn to channel and maintain the energy of these two elements. We channel Solar energy into certain feminine energy sites, and also help maintain the flow of water energy in other sites, such as cathedrals, churches and stone circles. Humans have always created Sacred spaces, so that the fertility of the land is assured. Without this work, the land becomes empty and unproductive; a wasteland. When we work with these energies, we anchor thought-forms into the ether, where receptive minds pick them up. We do not know what the thoughtforms are, because we are channelling and directing these energies that come from our higher consciousness. We are often given aid from the spiritual guardians of sites in how we should carry out this work, so we are merely channels and witnesses.

Gold Dragons.

Lessons of Power. The ability to generate abundance that is free to all depends on the ability to balance power with desire. If one desires much and is given what they desire yet their power issues are out of balance, that abundance is then used for personal gain and does not benefit the whole.

However, when abundance is achieved by one who balances power with desire, that abundance is then used to generate ‘more abundance’ for the common good and the betterment of humanity.

The Gold Dragon represents gold, money, and abundance. It is the power of wealth and the wisdom to use it wisely. This dragon is about using wealth for the betterment of all, not simply hoarding it or wanting it because you want luxury or comfort. In working with this dragon, wealth comes to you as you need it. It is not about becoming rich and having an easy life. Dragon-gold is given because you are working in service to humanity, using your money to continue your work. You are given what you need. This doesn’t mean you do not have a life of security. Your needs will be met because having a secure life means you are free to do your work without worrying about how to pay the bills.

There are lessons around money: how you save, how you spend, etc. If you misspend your wealth because you have not learned the wisdom to use it properly, then you will learn from that. All your beliefs, and illusions, around money will come up. However, even when you make mistakes, the dragon supports you, but you are expected to learn so you don’t waste those resources. They are your payment for the work you do. But you will learn to share it.

This dragon energy can take up residence where the wealth of nations, and of smaller communities, are centred, such as local authority offices, businesses, your place of work, etc. Anything that affects your life and the lives of others, is impacted by the gold dragon.

He guards his gold for a good reason. Humans do not a great reputation for looking after the wealth of the world. But if you let him, he will teach you how.

Red Dragon Energies.

The Red Dragon helps you care for your physicality, and purpose. Where are you in the world? What are you doing? Are you pursuing your Soul path or are you trapped by the will of others?

This dragon is both your lifeblood and the lifeblood of the physical planet. It is what feeds you, on all levels. It teaches you how to take care of your physical existence through how you feel about what you are doing in life. If your life is unfulfilling, or you feel you are not where you are supposed to be, this dragon energy helps you to clear the way, showing you where you are stuck, or where you are flowing, if that is the case.

The red dragon is always flowing, always creating life. If it does not flow, it backs up, causing stagnation. That is its nature. It desires constant movement. Staying still does not work for it and if it does find itself stuck and unmoving, it can feel difficult to manage. Only when it is free to move again, can it continue its work of creation and revitalising.

For a journal entry about awakening a red dragon energy, click here.

Only the strongest, the most resilient, can work with the black dragons. They are the dark, the mysterious, full of illusion and delusion. If you have not yet learned how to balance your thinking, how to question what you see, then you are not ready. Only those with the strongest, clearest minds and can see ‘multiple realities’ for what they are i.e. layers of symbolic meaning, designed to protect the very nature of the work, can work within these realms. These are the realms of humanity’s deepest recesses, their darkness, their passions and desires for riches, power and dominion. Only those who can keep their heart light steady, focussed on what is real, can join the ranks of the great Dragon healers. Healers of the dark side, the shadow side of human consciousness.

This is a challenging dragon energy to work with and not everyone can work with them. They are the hidden depths of human emotion, those emotions that are seen as negative or chaotic but which are important. The black dragon is powerful. He sees the darkness in the world and knows that sometimes it takes darkness to heal. Life is not always love and light. Darkness exists too. If there was no darkness, you would not recognise the light. The world needs the dark. Sometimes it brings rest, time away from the world, so you can be in some dark emotion. Healing is not easy; most people want to avoid it, but if you are working with dragons, you cannot avoid it. In order to grow, you must heal our own darkness. The only way out, is through, as they say. Working with the dark dragon means learning that all is not what it seems. Dark things happen, yet when they do humanity is forced to deal with it; to change it; to grow through it. What we resist, will persist, until we look it squarely in the face.

You have to plumb the depths of your own consciousness, emotion and behaviour, learning to know the difference between your own issues and those of the issues you are working with. The tricky part is, because the energies you are working with often mirror your own unhealed issues, it can be difficult to tell them apart. But the black dragon energy wastes nothing, so you find that in healing that issue in yourself you are also healing it on behalf of humanity. This is also why you may find yourself in situations or places that are challenging to live in. Those places need your help and you are drawn to living there for both your own healing and the healing of others.

There are also many places where ‘negative’ energy remains as a result of past human behaviour, and you are called to clear them too.  Because you understand this ahead of time, you can remain separate enough and not get too caught up in identifying with the negative behaviour which generated the energy in the first place. Understanding that every negative action provides a learning opportunity for humanity to learn to Love is what keeps you whole and centred.

For a journal entry about working with Black dragons click here.

Green Dragons.

The Green Dragons are the energy of vegetation and birth. They are very much associated with natural springs, which are the source of rivers and streams. When they are not residing over natural springs and young rivers, you will often find the Green Dragon wanting to be awakened in religious buildings where the energy has been capped by a male-cntred priesthood. When they are freed, it is as if they are saying: ‘Do not forget us. We create the world of nature. Even in winter, when all is asleep, we keep the green of nature alive and fruitful.’ Life is not all about dogmatic religion. The Green Dragon flows, it wants to create new life, it wants to renew itself. But man is afraid of this creative power of the Feminine and so it seeks to prevent its power, especially in sites where it was once venerated. Religious Man does not recognise the balance between male and female sacred power, but this was not always the way. In the past, the sacredness of water was acknowledged as a manifestation of the feminine and used in sacred rituals. But over time it changed. Now, however, the Green dragons want to be acknowledged and we can bring that into reality by working with them.

The Green Dragon energy is a reminder not to forget the creative fertility of the Divine Feminine waters that emerge from the Mother’s body to feed us with new life.

Blue Dragons

The Blue Dragon is water, but water that comes from the sky as rain. Whereas the Green dragon emerges as springs from the earth, the blue dragon energies come from the skies. In a way, these two dragons work together, one from below and the other from above.

Historically, there have always been people who had the ability to work with rain. Cultures around the world have their rain dances, their rituals, their cleansings. Water has its elemental energies, just like every other physical element on earth. Therefore, it is something that can be worked with energetically. The Blue dragon is also creative, carving up the earth, nurturing its inhabitants, cleansing the collective energies of humanity when they fill the air with pain. It knows when it is needed, it has own rhythms and cycles. It is we who have lost touch.

The blue dragon can teach you how to cleanse and clear, how to nourish, and grow the world. It can teach you to use the energetic pathways of water and how to work with it, rather than against it. You learn what is needed, not what is wanted. What does nature require? What can you do to help? That is what you need to ask when working with the blue dragons.

Dragon Energies.

White Dragons are higher inspiration and creative ideas that need to be anchored in our 3-d dimensional reality. This inspiration can come through any form of art: music, writing, visual arts, drama, etc. The energies that come through with the White Dragon energies are very healing and are used to anchor higher artistic expression on the earth plane, for the healing and betterment of humanity.

The White Dragon energies are associated with sites with a high creative energy. They come in ‘from above’, like the Luck Dragon in the Never-Ending Story.  They are also accessible through warm, coral reefs which hold an abundance of beauty and colour.

Sometimes, the White dragon energy is a higher expression of the red and gold, more physical, dragon energies that we work with. When we succeed in a lesson about wealth, or have healed something important to our soul purpose, the Red or Gold dragon can become the higher ‘Light’ dragon and you are no longer as blocked in your work.

All ‘dragon energies’ are symbolic of certain forces of nature. Working with them involves learning how to work with Nature, in both her positive and negative aspects. We don’t control these energies, just as we cannot really control nature, but our Soul knows how to read Nature and how to work with her forces.

The Gaia Method attunements are a first step in learning how to work with these forces wisely and through the energy of our connection to the Soul of the planet, Gaia. It is through our connection to her that we learn how to balance ourselves and the energies that feed us, allowing us continued existence on this, our schoolhouse planet.

Unexpected Dragon Clearing.

cornwall056I have been busy lately, having undergone some shifts relating to letting go of allowing myself to be controlled, or manipulated into doing what others want me to do.
As healers, we are particularly susceptible to this, but once we recognise how someone else’s needs may be holding us back, it is then up to us to allow it or to move on to more empowered living.
It can be painful and disorienting but ultimately freeing.
Controlling or manipulative behaviour stems from fear, and is not done on purpose. Recognising that helps us to stay out of a victim-place, knowing that, once we understand what we are experiencing we can then make choices about what course of action needs to be taken.
For me, it is about pulling back, finding my own centre again. Sometimes it feels like starting over, and that’s OK too. I immerse myself in creativity and find my new direction, which appears eventually.
I had an experience with dragon energy three weeks ago which I now understand was the start of this letting go. I was preparing to go to Carisbrooke Castle, on the Isle of Wight, to do energy work when I closed my eyes and saw a rainbow dragon swirling up around my legs. As it moved further up around my body it became a black dragon, and then further up still a white dragon. As it spiralled around me it was collecting energy the same colour as itself, so the black dragon was collecting black energy streams, and the rainbow dragon, different colours energy streams. When it reached above my head it spun itself, as if on a spindle and spiralled back to where the energies had originated. what-are-dragons1
I saw that they were other people’s energy: desires, Will, needs. I didn’t know what they were exactly, but I knew they were sent out from other people and were affecting me somehow. Later, I realised that it was through using an essence, one I made at St. Nectan’s Waterfall but never actually used, that this was happening in the first place. I never knew what this essence was for but through this experience I discovered that it clears other people’s energy commitments from your ‘field’, freeing you to follow your own path!
I am still going through this process, as it takes time and much clearing of emotion to continue a path you didn’t know you weren’t on anymore! But I am slowly feeling more centred again and more in control of my own destiny!
So, once again, I have learned a new way that dragon-energy works in our field. The fact that the dragons shifted colour as they moved up through my energy-field tells me about the energies I had inadvertently accepted; the thoughts or desires that I thought were mine but which were proving to be a blockage to my own path.
This must happen all the time, to everyone. We all affect each other, one way or the other, but sometimes it gets in the way and needs to be cleared. The people from whom we have accepted these energy streams become very obvious as we begin the process of clearing. It is in our everyday interactions with people that tell us what behaviours and feelings are connected to them. Once we have that information, then we can choose what we do with them. I usually withdraw gracefully and continue on my own path. Other people can fulfil their needs, it doesn’t have to be me.
So now I am back on track…or at least getting there and getting ready to continue the journey. I have only a vague idea of where this is leading me but it will be of my Soul’s choosing, not anyone else’s.

White Dragons.

I have been working with White Dragons for quite some time now and really only now understanding what they represent.

When they first appeared, looking like the Luck Dragon from The Never-Ending Story, it coincided with the first fiction-book channelling I began to receive, which is about dragons!

I knew that they were an upper-dimensional inspiration but not that they were directly related to our bringing that inspiration into our third-dimensional world through art and writing.

It wasn’t until I lived in Sahl Hasheesh, on the Red Sea, that I ‘got it’, for they began to appear, out of the sea, giving me gifts. Since I have been beside the Red Sea, for a few months of the year, I have connected with a book editor, a piano teacher and an art teacher! All the things I have wanted to develop for a long time. But everything creative has manifested here. Here I can access that Sea Dragon White Energy, connected to the Womb of Creation, the Red Sea.

Since being here, I feel an opening to more writing, more art and more music. We have an art group, three days a week, I write every day, books which have been given to me, little by little, by my Soul and Guides, and now am beginning to learn how to play the piano, a dream I have had for a long time.

My art is getting better, and now I receive art inspiration from my guides also. That is wonderful! Being able to create healing images for people and for places. I had received images for years but didn’t have the skills to paint them. Now I am learning how to put them on paper. Perhaps in time, I will create music too, once I have learned how to play! Music has always been my connection and ‘opener’ to energy. When I do attunements or art, it is music which gets me to the right level. It opens my Soul to Universal energy and allows me to contact the energies I need.

The White Dragon, when it appears to you, is your Spiritual/Soul artistic guide, there to teach you about how to create Divinely inspired works that help others.

All the dragon energies are connected to the Energy of the Earth consciousness; they are a way to bring into physical form, the energies which will trigger and teach others on the earth plane. Especially when that teaching is related to healing within the realms of Earth. Bringing their Dragon awareness to the minds of Humanity is their task.

Healing art, healing words, healing music, all are the domain of the White Dragon.

So, if you find yourself anchoring, or having spiritual journeys with the White Dragons, you will know why. They ask you to hone your skills and make yourself the best you can be with your art, so that others can benefit from your Divine Dragon Inspiration. Bring their world into our world so that we learn to be co-creators, a dragon-human partnership.

These energies are very real, and tangible if you are sensitive to energy. They are not empty symbols, but powerful, creative, elemental energies.

Let them guide you into realms of pure creation.

The Shamanic Wisdom of the Orkney Isles.

The Orkney Wisdom path is a specific pathway of development within the Gaia Method and needs an entire book written about it. This is the story of how this came about and what is yet to come. We will organise workshops to Orkney yearly, as of 2021, to train those who resonate with this pathway.

A year and a half ago, I went to Orkney with Eartha Luck, and what an incredible place.

From the minute we set foot on the island, I felt myself being connected to it. As we drove around, exploring, we decided that Orkney should be named the Island of Rainbows, as there were so many of them.

Our first port of call, on a freezing wet November day, was the Stones of Stenness. The energy was palpable as we walked through the huge stones and into the centre of the circle. Having done some energy-work there, anchoring the rainbow rays to each of the stones, including the ones that were no longer there, we proceeded to the Ring of Brodgar, but the small road that bridged the two stone circles was an energetic gateway, which we first had to open.

The gateway itself was in the water, a few meters out, and once it was open we could continue to the larger circle. In opening the gateway we had also opened the connection beneath the work we had been doing in Southern England to this more northerly site. As the Guardian of the Gateway said: The Orkney Isles are now blessed with the Light of the South.’



We wandered around the large circle and were told to connect to Neptune’s Lair. So, a few days later we found ourselves at Birsay, fighting against the wind and the rain. It was a stormy week, but storms and giant waves are irresistible, and while we were there, trying to stay upright, Neptune appeared. I was told to ‘write the words that I was given’. But it was 18 months later before I understood what he meant.

We did a lot of work in Orkney, at both circles, and at Maes Howe; a beautiful, women’s wisdom sacred place. We were given many gifts and much information, including a very large, leather-bound book by the guardian energies of Brodgar.

This book of information began to come through in May last year and It is called: ‘The Shamanic Wisdom of the Orkney Isles.’

This is what they had to say about it:

Liken it to a rose, opening to accept the rays of the sun. Little by little the petals unfold, revealing the beauty within. That is Orkney, the Rose Soul of Britain.

The Shamanic wisdom of the Orkney Isles is a documentary-style book, containing elements of prose, fiction and exercises for people to absorb these energies, no matter where they are in the world. 

The Orkney energies are part of the Gaia Method system but can be taught separately after the first Gaia method Attunement.  The Gaia Method System is like a be-jewelled spider, sitting in the centre of the web. Lines of silk extend out from the centre, each one connected to the others, but all going in a different direction. All are connected but are separate paths of development. There are multiple paths available, depending on which path the student chooses. 

That cleared up the confusion about how the Gaia Method had so many potential paths!

The first chapter then followed:

“Take a trip with us, back to the past; a past of life and of gaiety, of joy and travail, of death and of rebirth. Join us, around the circle of Time so that when you read these words you are transported back, back and back – to where our world began. Take the first step now, as we guide you along long-forgotten roads, through swamp and desert, dune and sand. Trip with us on the wild shores where people of the past still live, unseen by you, the forgotten people of Skara Brae.

Watch us, as we sit beside our fires, roasting our pigs, skinning our sheep and tanning their hides. Join us, as we celebrate the fire festivals, the marriages, the ceremonies of Light and Life. Sit with us while we watch the dawns rise through our circles of stones, as we watch our children grow and our animals thrive. Watch us as we watch you, floundering through lack of connection.

The fires burn brightly in our lives, and in our lands and so we come to you now, to offer our wisdom and our knowledge, so you can connect to our hearths and to our lives. Sit quietly as we gather our spirits together and blend them with yours.

Soften your eyes and move inwards, into your inner consciousness, your inner world. You are sitting beside a large central fire in a building made of stone and clods of soil. The only light is the warm light of the flames as they dance on the walls and ceiling of the sacred hut. The Elders are there too, seated around the fire. They are the Elder Women of the tribes, the Mothers. Today you join with them in celebration of life. See their faces, the fire-light glowing on their faces, their hands and their ivory and shell jewellery.

A low hum begins as the women begin to ‘sound’ the sacred notes of harmony and peace. You hear them as they blend and weave, growing softer, then louder, then softer again, until your own energy joins with the sounds. Like a sea current, it flows, moving ever onwards and through.

Outside, you can see, through the open doorway, the sun rising. You feel filled with the love that the Father has for the mother. Her heart-song fills you as you sway gently from side-to-side, your entire body filled with light and the joy of sacred union. The Father caresses the body of the Mother with his body of light until she is filled with his vitality and essence.

The humming stops and all is still, peaceful. The light has arisen. Feel the energies of this Union as it fills you with light. Feel yourself inspired, connected, enlivened. Stay with these feelings until you are ready to open your eyes.

You have begun the sacred journey of Divine Union and the Path of Rainbow light. We are all children in this world, the children of Mother Earth and Father Sun, and so we spend each morning absorbing their gifts so we may go out amongst the people and share it with them.

With gratitude in our hearts, that you have gifted us with your permission to become a participant in this sacred journey of re-connection, we bid you farewell.”





The Rainbow Serpent.

After a trip to Avebury during the summer, I finally understood the Rainbow Serpent. I had been asking for a long time about what it really represented and I finally got my answer. I had an idea of what it ‘might’ be but never fully understood it. 

We hadn’t been to Avebury for a few years, spending so much time travelling and doing earth-work in Egypt, so it was nice to return to the circle to see how the energies were working now. Oddly, as we walked around the circle, we felt nothing, until we came to the large portal stones, which had a blue-energetic wall connecting the two. We walked through them. We had come into the circle from the Barn-side and had not entered through the ‘portal’, which could be why we had not been picking anything up. After we went through it, our ‘energy-field’ was more sensitive to the energies present at the site and we were able to communicate with the energies there.

After passing through the portal, which felt like a link to Mexico and the Maya, (this could be the result of  the many group visits to Avebury by a woman named Aluna Joy, who does many workshops in the UK now. She works with the Maya energies.) we decided to walk up the Avenue. As we walked I tuned into the energy being held by the stones lining the avenue. I could see lines of different colours and widths moving towards the main circle from the Sanctuary and from the Sanctuary to the main circle, like stripes.

There were three colours, green, red and blue. Each of these colours fulfils a different function: red is the Earth energy that fills the land with vitality; green is the colour of vegetation, it brings fertility to the soil, and blue is the colour of the water energy. Water has always played an important role in these Circle groups.

On previous work at the Sanctuary, which is at the end of the avenue, I had seen a serpent’s head emerge where the avenue opened up into the Sanctuary, so I was already aware of the serpent connection, but now I understood what it meant!

Each colour is a wave-band, feeding the land and the atmosphere with a particular frequency of vitality. Everything is balanced and held by the stones, which act like acupuncture needles, holding and keeping the energies in balance. The stones at Avebury and the avenue alternate male and female. The lozenge-shaped ones are female, and the tall pointed ones are male. On the avenue too, they face each other on opposite sides of the avenue.

Everything about Avebury is Balance, balancing the forces of nature in all of its aspects, in that part of England. Avebury is not isolated either. It too fulfils a function in the larger grid of energies. Everything is connected.

We didn’t walk in the other direction this time, to the Adam and Eve stones,  but we will do it the next time.

So the Rainbow serpent is not made up of all colours of the rainbow necessarily, but each ‘serpent’ has its own colour bands, depending on where it is located in the world and what is required at each place on the network.

The Stones at Avebury keep the serpent contained but the Rainbow Serpent can move above and below land. In ‘containing’ it the stones are making sure that the colour bands are being guided to where they have the best effect in the landscape, much like an electronic circuit.

I will have to re-visit some of the other stone avenues to see if this applies to them too.  Merrivale springs to mind…








The Golden Dragon Energy.

What happens when you have a gold dragon in your field?  I have been asking about this for weeks, months. Although I work with them in the landscape I also notice them popping up in odd places. But why? I knew it was about money and power but after a visit from Chris for a couple of weeks, this became

When I look back at where the Gold Dragon made an appearance; usually where I was at the time. Other people’s dragons appeared to them wherever they were. This does not include the environmental dragon energies, but the dragon energies which are part of our own nature! Because that is what they are! Part of our energy. It is as though the Gold Dragon thought-form is a representation of our ability to manifest wealth! It is an inner power that flows through our body and outer self, or ego, to manifest itself in the world, and that power comes in the image of a golden Dragon.

Once we have balanced our ability to both and give receive in terms of finance and support we are then more able to utilise, sensibly, the power of the Gold Dragon. Before we reach the point of being able to work with money in this way, we may progress through different frequencies of dragon energy.

bronze-dragonMy husband has a Bronze Dragon energy in his field, which is really his own energy in that particular frequency form. I didn’t understand why he had a Bronze Dragon, because I didn’t know they were a possibility. But once I understood the power of the Gold I understood the Bronze. The Bronze dragon was ‘holding’ Omar in his arms, with his tail wrapped around him too; totally ‘held and protected’. He hasn’t yet mastered his money issues, which can take years and sometimes lifetimes, so he is working with the energy that he can work with. He is learning how to manifest finance in a balanced and heart-centred way. If you think of coinage, we have copper, bronze, silver and gold, traditionally!

Having a future leadership role, even if only on a local level, but still leading a community, you have to learn to use money and power in a balanced way so that the future good of the entire community is maintained. Money is not to be used selfishly, but for the good of the whole, so we have to learn to use it well, therefore our dragon energy will reflect this.

Just before Chris arrived, my own Gold Dragon energy suddenly started ‘blowing’. I can feel an energy awakening in my belly and then I feel the impulse to ‘blow’ air out, like a healing air stream, only this time I was aware of my dragon energy and she was blowing gold coins into the air around me and filling the apartment. It feels like I am the dragon and my fiery breath is used through my breath.

I knew that this was to do with Chris’s impending arrival but I didn’t quite ‘get’ why it was happening. However, during his stay here money flowed into the flat and into the house, through his generosity. Although sometimes it felt overwhelming as I am not used to such a sudden free-flow. But the gold he brought he shared with the entire house, making the family’s lives more abundant for a time and putting into motion certain actions which would bring abundance to them in the future.

the-first-step-in-leadershipAt one point he himself began to feel anxious about going back to work in the UK but suddenly I could see his gold dragon wrap itself around his body, holding him in his arms, and the feeling was that there was nothing to worry about, that he was financially, and emotionally safe…because he was working on behalf of humanity and not selfishly hoarding his money. That is the power of the Golden Dragon. This wealth is for our Purpose and for the benefit of humanity; so many of our conscious and unconscious fears are worked through, so that we can do that. We are channels for the abundance of creation to flow into the physical world, and our lives become enriched as a result.

But it is not ‘our’ money’, it is for the good of the whole, and that is why many people who work with the Golden Dragons are natural givers, often to the point of self-sacrifice. But that too is a lesson. Balanced giving and receiving is the way to do it. Money is supposed to flow, it is not supposed to be dammed up and hoarded so that it benefits no-body but the hoarder. Letting go of our fear of lack, and learning how to give giving responsibly and not out of personal interest, is one of the important lessons we learn, as our dragons train us in how to use their energy! That is not to say that it doesn’t ultimately benefit us but we give for others, equally.

In many ways, it is like working with wool. When spinning, knitting, weaving etc, you allow the threads to flow through your fingers, but you have to exert a certain amount of tension so that the right amount flows. Flow and tension control. Too much and it too loose or lumpy and too little means tight, tense results, which don’t work. We have to learn the same skills with power and money. 0-slider-ashford-spin2

So if you have one of these dragons know that it is your energy they are working through to benefit the Whole, and that they will train you in how to work with them. Be watchful, let go of your fears around money and be generous when you see the need for it. Not pointless giving, but intentional, and guided. The Dragons will tell you how and when to give, and when not to. Their consciousness, which is really ours, knows things that our personalities do not, so learning to listen, watch and trust is important. We are harnessing the creative powers of the Universe so we will learn how to do it wisely and hopefully, one day, this is how all power and wealth will be distributed, through the Dragons.

The Lemurians…Clarified.

2 October 2016.


0b29b2efc76c1a8219b48cb0caf8c0cc“Earlier, you guessed at our identities, and it served you at the time, and it served us too, but now you seek the truth of who we are, and rightly so.

We are not so old as to be forgotten, but not so young as you might imagine. Although ‘Lemuria’, as your present time defines it, did not exist in ‘reality’, our civilisation did exist within the time frame of that believed to be Lemurian.  We are an ancient race, older than the hills, literally, as your mountain ranges were beneath our seas and were our seabed.

We made up many races and many lifeforms, just as you do today, and some of us were wise and others not so wise, just as you also are today. But the wisdom we garnered, over many years of development, is what we share with you now.

There was not one name that applied to our races, for we were many, just as there is not one name for your human civilisation. Perhaps you will enter the collective psychic atmosphere and be known as “The Humans” to future races on earth, but that is not your ‘name’. You see how difficult it is?

We were a race of cultures, trying to develop qualities, in much the same way as your human race is doing. We were successful enough. The Abramic culture was a bleed-through from unresolved issues that we left behind us, and this is why we take this opportunity to help you with these challenges. We take a measure of responsibility for these beliefs and so we choose to resolve this issue by helping those souls to overcome the negative beliefs that we ourselves planted, albeit unwittingly!

Time will tell whether we can do this satisfactorily, for mankind has taken a different route to the one we took, and it is more difficult to break-through when such energy is being forced outwards. Your race is yet young and you have come so far but now it is time for change. It is time for mankind to change direction and so we help you to steer in that new direction.

You can continue to call us Lemurian, as that name helps you to identify our energy. But you know the truth, and we are glad that you asked for it. It is always better to face the truth, than to live a lie and so we say to you, never settle for something unless you feel it in your bones. Untruths can be scattered to the four winds, but the truth will always endure because it is the truth.


Symbol to hold in your mind if you wish to connect to ‘Lemurian’ consciousness.

We are ‘rooted’ like a great tree, and although it may lose its leaves, and it may wither and die, the memory of it remains. And so it is with us. We remain in the Aethers, and you can tap into our memories at certain places where those energies remain. If you would like a symbol to connect to us then use this: a simple white feather in a sea of green and gold, will suffice. That is our energy signature and if you wish to connect with us, use this energy and we will enable communications.

Thank you and we wish you well in your endeavours.”

This information came about because of my own unease with the name lemurians, even though I had received both teachings and information from this ancient civilisation. But I have a need for the ‘real’ in my work, even though to others everything I do might not seem ‘real’.

When I first began to channel, or ‘listen’ I told the energies communicating with me not to give me any airy-fairy flowery language. I wanted the info to be clear and un-New Agey! I wanted it to be practical and usable, not wonderful sounding fantasies that got people no-where except more stuck in their heads!

I hadn’t really given the Lemurians much thought for many years, but as I was going through old, received information I posted some of it here. However, I still felt uneasy about the name, so I looked up where the name came from. It was a biologist named Philip Sclater who first began to use the name. So I asked the Elders who the Lemurians really were! And this was their answer.

great_tree_by_hazzard65-d5968avHaving studied Archaeology I knew that our ‘present’ spiritual belief about lost continents was not true. Studying archaeology really helped me to separate fact from fiction in my energy work. And receiving the info I needed from the horse’s mouth helps me to understand the truth of these ancient civilisations, even though archaeology does not hold with theories of previous civilisations on earth. But the earth does not lie and geology is geology, so I can accept the fact of the Lemurians knowing that they existed, just not necessarily in the way we think.

So I am grateful to them for clarifying this for me.

Settlement Sites of the Mother.

mdnc1One of the things we learned over the years of doing Earth energy work was how our pre-Celtic ancestors worked with the Earth and how they really knew that they lived on the body of the Mother. They were part of the Mother, they were her children.

Their sacred places, small settlements, massive hillforts and stone circles were all representative of the Balance of male and female. They lived that reality of Balance. Through working with these places I recognised that many of them are built to represent the female body. Sites that were significant places for maintaining the balance of the surrounding countryside, or places of power where people went to learn how to be a guardian of a sacred place, all were created to replicate the body of a woman.


Connections between Fosbury Hillfort and Coldridge Banjo. Fosbury is also connected to Ludgershall Castle.

Through working with these places I recognised that many of them are built to represent the female body. Sites that were significant places for maintaining the balance of the surrounding countryside, or places of power where people went to learn how to be a guardian of a sacred place, all were created to replicate the body of a woman.

Banjo Enclosures, such as that at Itchen wood and Micheldever Wood, Coldridge Woods, Danebury Hillfort, Fosbury Hillfort, Woolbury Camp and Maiden castle. Stone circles such as Stonehenge, Avebury, etc, all represent the body of the Great Mother. At different points in the year, these places were fertilised, by priests and priestesses, who knew how to channel the energy/light of the male fertilising principle, the Solar energy, through their bodies and into the earth. This was like a great sexual joining of male and female, designed to ensure that the crops would grow every year and feed their people, and that the balance of the Earth’s energies would be maintained.

 This was not an empty ritual, but a real energy-working of the serpent-lines that ran between sacred places and rivers, human settlements and burial sites.

When I first began to work with Danebury Hillfort with Chris, we found ourselves, at the beginning of February a few years ago, standing on the highest point in the middle of the settlement. silenagigI became aware of two giant hands pulling open a split in the earth beneath my feet. Inside the resulting diamond-shaped space there was darkness. Then the solar light poured down through us, as we stood above this empty dark space, and it filled the space with solar light. Then I saw the Sheelagh-na-gig, and I understood what it meant!

The Sheelagh was the image of the Great Mother at the end of winter, and the beginning of spring, opening herself up to the fertilising energy of the sun, where she would, in nine months time, produce the crops that fed the people. She would be re-energised. Think of all the fairy tales where the ‘ugly old witch’ takes the energy of youth to make herself young again. This is an echo of an ancient ritual of life-bringing solar energy, re-energising the old winter season and bringing the new energies of spring and new growth.

danefgtWhen we had finished we walked around the outside bank and all I could feel was the storage of corn! I took a photo on my way out, of the information board. I realised that I was looking at the body of a pregnant woman. The ‘Defensive’ ditches are her vulva! The people lived within the body of the Mother. The same applies to many other settlement sites around the country.

These places were significant fertility sites, which not only fed the surrounding areas energetically but also physically. Storing corn in large pits in the chalk kept the corn safe for Winter, but also kept it energised.

Sites, where the stone carved Sheelagh-na-gigs were found, were earlier fertility sites, and the early Christians, without their rigid fear of sexuality, probably knew that, so they incorporated the Sheelaghs into the stone-work of their chapels, just as they used the stones from stone-circles as the corner-stones for new churches on older, sacred sites. They were not destroying these sites, in their eyes, but re-dedicating them. It was only later, after the Synod of Whitby, that this knowledge was slowly destroyed.015-danebury-ring-hill-fort-east-gate-diagram

The smaller Banjo enclosures were like smaller womb-like places, that also fed the surrounding countryside and brought fertility to the local inhabitants, but these smaller enclosures seemed to be an introduction from a foreign peoples, from Northern parts of Europe. They brought their knowledge of working with the earth with them when they came. I don’t know who these people are, but every time we have worked with a Banjo enclosure we have picked up the energy of immigrants from Northen countries, Saxon/Scandinavian? People who married into the communities or settled by themselves.


Antennaed Banjo enclosure with Access point.

The Banjos, were often smaller satellite communities of larger Mother sites, and energetically connected to the larger sites. All of these places were connected. The big sites fed the smaller sites. But what is also significant about these banjos is the ‘Access point’. These points are always at the entrance to the avenue of the enclosure and the energy which enters the enclosure is regulated from here.

Looking at the diagram it seems apparent that the access point is the seat of female creative energy. It is the energy of creation. This point, in a Banjo enclosure, is where the energy comes in from the earth or from the sky. It feeds the Banjo enclosure with the right amount of energy, which comes in from different energy sources.


Spring-fed pond in Fosbury during Winter.

Our ancestors knew exactly what they were doing when they created these power places and they understood how to keep the balance of the male and Female in every level of society. Sometimes, in larger hillfort sites, the energy point is in the spring-fed pond within the communal space. Springs have always been seen as emerging from the body of the Mother, and therefore filled with her life-giving essence. Everything these people did was done in a sacred way, in their sacred spaces of the Mother.

Different Mother sites are aligned with either Spring or Summer. Winter vortices tend to be smaller, and sometimes small spring vortices can be close to the Winter ones.  Fosbury Hillfort, in Wiltshire is a wonderful, Summer Hillfort. Just being there is a nurturing experience.

I was introduced to Fosbury, a 26 acre site, by a fellow Archaeology student named Matt Nichol and he felt incredibly protective of the site, without really realising why! The first time he took me there I was blown away by the love I felt from the site. I knew, without a doubt, that the people who had lived in this settlement had known abundance and safety. Even going there in Winter, with snow all around, you don’t feel the cold. You feel completely nurtured and secure and you know that all of your needs will be met. The feeling at the site is of a fecund mother, full of all the good things that nature can provide. A place of security and love.


Interior of Coldridge Banjo.

Every time I went to do work at this site, re-connecting it to the smaller Banjo enclosure of Coldridge, a few miles away, I was always greeted by the great loving energy there. Fosbury ‘fed’ the smaller Banjo enclosure with red energy, which wrapped itself around the small enclosure, feeding it with its life energy, like a child connected by an umbilical cord. This was a common occurrence, with larger Hillforts connecting to smaller banjo Enclosures.

At the bottom of the Coldridge Banjo, there are two vortices, side by side, a Spring Vortex and a Winter Vortex, each active at that time and all connected to Fosbury. Nothing works in isolation All are connected. And all play a different role within the larger network of energies.

‘Lemurian’ Teachings.

I received this information, once again, from Lemurian teachers, which even at the time, I doubted the existence of.  It’s the name ‘Lemurian’ that bothers me and the whole mythology of it. As a result of putting all of this  information on the blog, I asked upstairs for the real info on them. I want to know who they really are not who we ‘think’ they are. I will post that information later.

16 January 2005

spacemandala“We have a tale to tell.  Allow yourself to remember the gifts of old and traverse the ancient pathways of gold. These paths were created by us, a web of interconnecting energy lines, feeding the planet, feeding the people, feeding the world.

Crystal energies have been used for millennia to create a web of light, anchoring the Solar energies. Allow us now to show you these ways so that you too can use them. Gather your energies and travel to sites that spin with Solar energy. These energies are unmistakable.

Our people knew the ways of energy and worked to maintain the balance of the planet. We buried our leaders/Earthkeepers in earthen mounds aligned with the energy of the sun. There they guard the sleeping dragons until they feel the need to awaken from their slumber.

We are the Guardians of the Sacred Places, known in myth and history as the ‘kingmakers’. It was our job to create the places of light then to choose the most proficient candidate in both kingship abilities and light-work.   Both were a prerequisite for success if proper balance were to be maintained. This process lasted for many centuries until, at last, it could continue no longer in its present form, the form we were accustomed to.tuatha

Changing times meant changing methods and others had to be found who could continue the work in different ways. Christianity offered a suitable ‘crucible’ for blending the energies and beliefs. It was a new and fresh religion, still forming in its methodology and so it allowed us to ‘insert’ our ways into their systems of belief. This was relatively easy to accomplish. People were open to the ‘Christ’ energies which were just another name for Solar light. It was simple.

Now, when the belief systems changed, we too had to change our ‘face’, our form. No longer could we appear as ‘guardians’ but now had to find another, more suitable guise. Saints we became and so we maintained our work in guiding souls to the sacred springs, sacred glens, sacred mountain tops. Change is necessary but the work must go on.

In recent times, much has changed again. No longer are the sacred places understood and worked with. In ancient times they were places of initiation and learning. Students came to learn about their true natures. Sacred places act as ‘mirrors’, reflecting back the students deepest Being. Wounds were recognised, gifts enhanced.

No longer do the old Ones guide their way.

arthurNow as we complete another cycle and change has come upon us once again, we have the opportunity to bring the ancient temples and schools back to life. To allow all who feel guided to visit and partake of the energies that abide there.

The high kings of old had exceptional abilities and so were chosen to lead the people. Many people tried to pass the sacred tests but very few succeeded. And so it is again. Many will try but few will reach the heights needed to fulfil such a sacred function. Your work with us involves, if you wish it, reaching those people, who through your writings, will wish to learn the ancient ways. In guiding people to these ancient sites you will connect their energies to the place where they belong. We will assist you in this endeavour as it is not an easy one. But now that you have reached this point in your understanding you will now be trained by us to fulfil our work. Candidates will be guided to you who wish to learn the old ways. You will know who they are. Apprentice them to you and guide them along the Ancient paths, training them to use their wits and abilities in accessing the ancient truths.

We are an ancient Brotherhood of Lemuria, who founded the first Earthpath mystery schools. We will endeavour to teach you how to use our ways.

We will connect to you often and relay necessary information to help you on your path. This may not always be easy for you and will require diligence and perseverance but you are capable of carrying out, without question, our instructions. Without this inherent trust, on your part, this work would not be possible.

Go now and complete your process and allow all to fall into place. You are eternally joined to us by an unbreakable bond of energy and so can call on us when needed. We leave you now with a band of energy to strengthen your understanding of our words and your work to come.”

On the teaching candidates front, I am very aware that some of the people who receive the attunements also work with these ‘Lemurian’ teachers and the attunements merely awaken what is already there. Just as I was awoken, so I awaken others to what they have been training to do for centuries, because this is Soul work and that takes many lifetimes to learn. As they say, we are the balancers and harmonisers of the planet, bringing through the Old ways of living on this world, but we also have our own personal learning and healing to achieve. Nobody said it would be all fun!


The Ruby of the Divine Feminine.

ruby-bottleThe Ruby Energy is an energy attunement, where the Ruby Ray is anchored in your energy-field, allowing you to work with this beautiful, loving energy of the Mother.

I have written a post, on my Earth-working site, that covers my first experience of the Ruby Energy. Since then, most of my work involves the anchoring of this Ruby Light, which is the Light of the Heart of the Mother.  It is the light of the Divine Feminine consciousness, as it moves through Love, and is the energy we are most in need of today.

Since my first experience of receiving this Ruby Light, I have been sent to places where this love is the most needed. That work involved preparing the energy grids to accept the energy when it comes flooding into the grid. Old, negative beliefs around the sacred feminine, women’s power, religious beliefs, all need to be cleared from the memory banks in the energy grids. Memories remain in the ether, and they continue to exert an influence on the thinking and beliefs of the people in the surrounding areas, so they have to be cleared, and primed, before the Ruby energy can flow freely.

For countries that have patriarchal religions, this is vital, because we have been hugely misinformed about our power as women, so this now can be rectified.

There are many great teachers and channels in the world, both male and female, who work with the Divine Feminine energies, and together, we are healing the old world and building the new one. We are not removing the ‘masculine’ but bringing it back into balance, teaching that we can live in balance and harmony, both male and female together. That is the way it is supposed to be.

The Ruby energy is an important aspect of this work, for it is through Love that we can bring change. I am not talking here about romantic love, but love in its true sense, which can often feel completely the opposite to what we think love is. Working with the Love Ray of the Ruby, we have to learn all the lessons of love, and they are not quite as you think! It is not all roses and wine, although it can be.

It is also letting go; self-sacrifice, but not in a crucifixion way. Killing yourself to protect someone else is counter-productive. How can you help someone out of a hole if you are in it with them?

Learning to balance your needs with the needs of others is an act of love. Leaving people to find their own way in life, is an act of love, because you are trusting that person to work it out for themselves.

There are many ways to love, and the Ruby Ray helps us to learn that. It is not often easy, but learning the lessons of love makes you so much more effective in the world and in this world, we need to be.